Part 25

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~ Levi's POV ~
I was working peaceful until I heard someone knocking. "Come in" I said hoping it was my sweet Y/N but instead I was meet with Reiner. "What is it" "They took her away again" when he said that my eyes widened. "Go look for Hanji and Erwin and bring them here." "Sir?" "What is it" " Apparently Eren is still alive."he said and walked away. "Shit. I lost her again. And just when everything was going fine. I failed to protect her again. How can I be so stupid." I yelled to myself. "Levi we heard what happened what should we do?" Hanji asked. "Gather some scouts to look for any trace. And sent Sonny and bean with them." "Yes sir" she said and ran off. "Levi are you okay" Erwin asked concerned. "No I'm doing fantastic" I yelled at him. "I'm sorry." "No, no it's okay. I'm the one who's sorry. I'm just worried about her this is the second time this happens to her. She's ... she's just too important to me and I don't want to lose her" I said falling on my chair. "Everything will be alright so don't worry. We will find her" he said while rubbing my back.

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