Part 18

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~ Mikasa's POV ~
"It's about Y/N" when I said this Levi looked at me. "What happened to her? Do you know where she is? How is she? God dam ist don't just stand there spill it" he screamed in a worried tone. "She's with Eren right now and you have to save her" I told him. "He kidnapped her because he loves her he's gone crazy. I every time I see her she doesn't eat or sleep. She's lost her happiness. Please help her I beg you I don't want to see her like that anymore. Please save her" I cried falling to the floor. "You son of a-" "Levi calm down please" Erwin and Hanji tried to stop him from punching me. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me."
~ Levi's POV ~
After she told us where she was located I ran out the room to gather the others. "Erwin call the others we're going for Y/N." "Yes sir" "Hanji get the weapons ready." "Yes sir."
~ Mikasa's POV ~
After Levi left I quickly got up and grabbed my phone. I texted Annie that Levi was on his way. 'Annie get things ready and get Y/N they're on their way.' 'Don't worry I got everything ready' she texted back.
~ Y/N POV ~
Time has passed and nothing has changed. All of sudden someone slams my door open. I turned around to find Annie. "Y/N get up we're getting you out of here" she said dragging me out my room. The only thing that was on my mind was 'I'll finally be able to see Levi.'

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