Part 12

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The next couple of days past by fast. I started to notice Levi acted more distant as the days went by. We barely even talked now. He wakes up really early and comes home around 12 or at 1 in the morning. We don't see each other that much either. My friends started to notice this. One time Connie and Sasha almost jumped him. I was glad that at least they worried abot me. Even Ymir got worried and it was really surprising because she only vares about what happens to Krista. She invited me over frequently to help me get my mind off of things. It helps a little but the words still echoed in my head, 'I think Levi is hiding something'. Days past and I have haf enough so I called him. "Ring-ring, Ring-rin" "Hello" "Levi we need to talk" I said sternly. "Can it wait a bit I'm kinda busy right now". "NO, it can't wait any longer I have to talk to you now". "Ok I'll be there in a few". I waited for a couple of minutes but it felt like it took forever. "Y/N I'm home"Levi said in a tired voice. I turned around to she a really tired Levi. He had bags under his eyes, his hair was a mess, and he looked even more pale than normal. "L-levi what's wrong?" I ask concerned. "It's nothing so what did you want to talk about". "Nothing that can wait you have to rest"I said while dragging him up the stairs. "But you haf something to tell me and I still have work". "Doesn't matter that can wait you have to rest ok". I layed him down covered him. I got under the covers and hugged him. "Good night".

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