Chapter 32

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I woke up to only realize Levi was gone. I was about to get up until I remembered what happend last night. "I hate you Levi" "That's not what you said last night. You were all like - Levi do-" "Sh-shut up already will you" I said trowing a pillow at him. We stayed silent for a while until I spoke up. "Levi" "Yeah" I stayed silent. "What would you do if we had another kid?" He stode there thinking. "Well I guess I would be very happy - wait is that why your mom said three grandkids?" he asked shoked. "Y-yeah" "I'm so happy I could cry right now" he said happily. "But your already crying dummy" I said laughing at him. "Sh-shut up" he said embarrassed.
~ Few months later ~
"Come on Y/N you can do it. Your almost there" Levi said. "That's not helping Levi" I said holding his hand like my life depended on it. Everyone went quiet the only ones heard were the doctors "It's a girl". "Y/N looks it's our baby. Isn't she beautiful" Levi said. "Yeah she is" "What do you want to name her?"he asked. I sat there for a while thinking. "Hope. Let's name her Hope. Because no matter what happend to me I always there was always hope you would come rescue me" I said giving her a kiss in the cheek. "Yeah I like it" Levi said hugging me and hope. "Hey don't exclude us from the group hug" Hanji said slamming the door open with the other behind her. "Don't worry we won't" I said laughing. "Get of her shittyglasses" Levi said pulling Hanji away.

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