Part 20

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~ Levi's POV ~
'It's finally all over, Y/N will be save nothing will ever happen to her again.' "We're leaving" I said to the others. I hoped in the car with Y/N in my arms and left to the house.
~ Y/N POV ~
I heard people talking around me and worked up scared for my life. I realized I was in Levi's arms and calmed down. I looked around the room to find the others and flinched. I wasn't sure if they were my real friends. I looked up at Levi and asked where Annie, Berthold, and Reiner where. He looked at Erwin and Erwin went to open a door revealing them. I quickly got up and ran to then crying. "Thank you, thank you so much for always being there for me" I cried out while hugging them. I felt arms rapping around me pulling me away from them. I looked up to find a jealous Levi. 'How cute guess he hasn't change' I thought. I looked at him in the eyes for a couple of seconds and rapped my arms around him. "Thank you Levi for coming to save me" I said and kissed him.

(Sorry for the short chapter and for updating late. Thanks for reading my story so far. I love y'all 💕 💕)

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