Part 27

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After a couple of minutes the guests arrived. They were introduced as an Ackerman and I instantly turned to face them. To only be faced by an older man. "Thought luck darling guess it wasn't him" Eren said with a smirk with a face. "And who is this lovely lady?" "This lovely lady is my wife Y/N" when he said this I cringed with disgust. "Nice to meet you my name is Kenny Ackerman" he go closer to me and whispered in my ear "Don't worry Levi's coming for you". 'He's coming, he didn't forget about me' I thought to myself. We all ate in peace. Kenny and Eren were talking about business while I was thinking about Levi. After sometime we heard someone banging on the door. One of the maids answered then we heard screams. Someone pushed the doors open and walked in revealing none other than Levi. Kenny quickly pinning Eren to the floor tying him up. I got up and ran towards Levi crying. "Y/N are you okay? Did he do something to you?"he said while examining me. "N-no put I have to go upstairs right now" i said while pulling him up the stairs.We walked to the room I've been staying in and opened the door revealing Kuchel. "Levi I want you to meet Kuchel ... our daughter" I said looking at him. "Kuchel this is your dad" "Daddy" she said running towards him. She hugged his leg while he stud their shocked. The room was quite 'Is he mad. Does he not want to have kids?' I thought to myself. I turned to face him to only find crying. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I wasn't for you when you were born. I'm so sorry" he said with tears running down his face and hugged Kuchel. After sometime we left to our home. I was finally going to live happily. I itch Levi, our family, and our friends. This is truly my happily ever after.

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