Part 14

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The next morning Levi woke up with a fever. He wanted to go to work badly he struggled a lot. It was kinda cute.
~Levi's Pov ~
" But I have to go to work" I wined at Y/N. "No but's you are staying home until your fever goes down understood" she said sternly." Yes ma'am" "Good now go back to sleep". "Geez your just like a mother". "What was that" she said in a serious tone. "N-nothing ma'am". "Good". Then she left the room but not before forcing me to drink medicine. 'Geez I thought I got myself a girlfriend not a babysitter'.
After I left Levi I decided to take a walk in the garden. It was so beautiful I went to smell my f/f (favorite flowers) they're so pretty. After some time I started walking to the house. But before I could make it there some one covered my mouth. They pushed me down to the floor and tied my hands. I past out after a while and the last thing I thought of was 'why does this always happen to me'. I woke up and everything was black. I tried to to take the thing covering my eyes to only find out I was chained to the wall. I started to hear footsteps so I made up I was still unconscious. "Y/N I know your awake you don't have to pretend" "W-who are you?" I said terrified. They said nothing but I heard them come closer. "Go away leave me alone" I screamed at the top of my lungs. They took the cloth of my eyes. I couldn't believe who I saw.

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