We Don't Keep Corpses In The ICU

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The drive should've been an hour long but it was three before they finally reached the warehouse, thanks to the blasted traffic. Namjoon's energy had abandoned him a long time ago and they slowly walked to the side door they had seen in the camera footage. Taehyung kicked it open and entered first, giving Namjoon a second to gather himself.

The warehouse was mostly empty, except for a toppled over chair and some bundled up duct tape. They searched everywhere but could find nothing. Namjoon cursed and ran his fingers through his hair. Mordecai must've moved her. She hadn't died here. He pulled out his phone and quickly dialed.

"Hey, Ssem....there's nothing here. I'm sorry but could you look at later footage and see if maybe he came back to move her?" That didn't make sense to him, Mordecai risking exposure by bringing her out into the light again.  But he had to check every possibility.

Taehyung was chewing his lip thoughtfully as he exited.

"I'm going to get a drink, want anything?" Namjoon shook his head and climbed into the car, moving it around to park in front of the convenience store. He put it in park and leaned back in his seat, feeling defeated. This was all wrong. So wrong.

Taehyung selected his coffee and managed a small smile at the adjumma behind the counter. She smiled back and he could tell she thought he was attractive.

"We don't get a lot of people like you around here." She commented, handing him his coffee.

"What types do you normally get?"

"People up to no good. Some construction workers. We had some paramedics here last week but that's rare." Taehyung froze and stared at her.

"P-Paramedics?" She nodded, evidently happy to have someone interested in her story.

"Yep." She pointed towards the warehouse Namjoon and Taehyung had just searched. "I couldn't see much, there was a gurney, they rushed off really fast."

"When was this?" He hardly dared breathe. He was setting himself up for disappointment but....there'd been nothing there but duct tape and a chair...

"Um.....four or five days ago." The night Mordecai had broken into Hoseok's apartment.

"Where would they take someone injured? Where's the closest hospital?" The woman looked at him strangely, then shrugged and told him. Taehyung bowed quickly and flashed her a bigger smile this time before bounding out the door and throwing the passenger side door open. Namjoon was sitting there, lethargic.

"Hyung, we need to go to the local hospital. They might know what happened to the body."


The poor desk secretary got the fright of her life when Namjoon and Taehyung strode in. Namjoon was determined and looked like he would deck anyone who got in his way. He approached the desk and held up his phone, displaying a picture of Y/N's face.

"I have reason to believe that the body of this woman was brought here several nights ago. Who can I speak with to confirm this?"


"An ambulance was called." Taehyung supplied helpfully.

"U-um....probably Dr. Lee....but he's not available at the moment...."

"I suggest you make him available." Namjoon's voice was low and sounded dangerous. Taehyung rested his hand on his shoulder, trying to get him to calm down.

"He's taking care of a patient at the moment...."

"I am Kim Fucking Namjoon and you will either get this doctor to me right now or I swear to god I will buy this entire hospital and fire you." Taehyung sighed and decided now was not the time to remind Namjoon that Y/N would not have approved of his behavior. The woman was visibly shaken but quickly picked up the phone and dialed. There was a brief argument with the person on the other end but then she hung up and bowed.

"He's on his way."

"Thank you." Namjoon grit out, impatiently looking around. Several minutes went by, during which the poor secretary was visibly sweating, before Dr. Lee appeared. He looked slightly annoyed but still offered Namjoon and Taehyung his hand.

"Good evening, what can I do for you gentlemen?" Namjoon held up his phone, his voice growing quiet. "I have reason to believe..." His voice broke and he coughed. "I have reason to believe that the body of this woman was brought here several nights ago. I need to know where she....it is." The doctor leaned forward a little to peer at it, then nodded.

"Yes, I recognize her. She came in during my shift."

"Where's the body?" Taehyung asked, hardening his voice so it wouldn't shake.

"Level 3." Namjoon frowned.

"You keep corpses in the upper level of a hospital?" Dr. Lee looked at him strangely.

"Noooo....that's where we keep intensive care patients." Namjoon's eyes went wide and he took a step back, grabbing onto Taehyung's arm. Taehyung had frozen.


"The young lady came in with no ID, a severe concussion and brain swelling, and was dehydrated almost to the point of death. She's in intensive care."

"S-she's alive?" Namjoon whispered in disbelief. Dr. Lee looked at him strangely.

"We don't keep corpses in the ICU, sir. It's unsanitary. She hasn't woken up yet so we couldn't figure out who to call, but yes. She's alive."

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