Chapter 2: A Wish For You

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Hunter cracked the kinks in his stiff neck as he waited inside the sleek metal elevator, that was speedily taking him to the top floor where all his other siblings would be after a long day

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Hunter cracked the kinks in his stiff neck as he waited inside the sleek metal elevator, that was speedily taking him to the top floor where all his other siblings would be after a long day. They never liked returning home to the pack grounds without each other and out of habit, they would gather at Gabriel's office at their company.

Hunter had a long day with the same problems and solutions as usual, he was exhausted and wished nothing more than to go home or run under the full moon tonight in his beast form. But he bit back his urges to go pick up his family because despite everything, they were the only ones that made him happy and calmed his wolf even if it was just for a brief moment.

The elevator's door pinged open.

Hunter strode towards the massive black doors at the end of the hall that had the family insignia on it- the silver crescent moon. He didn't have to use his carnal senses to figure out that all his siblings had arrived since the loud voices were enough proof.

Hunter pushed open the door.

"Finally," groaned Klaus. "Could you be any slower."

Hunter rolled his eyes. "The councillors meeting took longer than I expected," he said to the youngest Centauri who resembled their mother the most; he was tall for his age and had a muscular built preferred for wolves and warriors like them, but his vibrant green eyes and pale gold hair matched their sister only.

"I also had the longest day at the Institution," said Viola as her long limbs were draped along the lounge chair, her soft golden hair flowed down her slender shoulders and her emerald eyes were round and soft.

"I had a great day," remarked Vincent. He was the family lawyer who was always busy attending banquets, charity balls and handled the paparazzi. They left that stuff mostly for him since he had the most charming and approachable disposition, although he was just as ruthless like Hunter when it came to their hunting business. Gabriel made sure of that all of them were adequately trained since enemies always had an eye on them. Vincent was dressed in a prim Armani suit; his dirty blonde hair was tousled and raked back, which made him look smart yet rakishly handsome.

"Of course, you did," retorted Viola. "You know, I've noticed that you never help at the institute."

"I help, occasionally," shrugged Vincent with a smirk.

Hunter laughed but Viola just growled at them. Whilst they all gossiped about their day, a heavy silence emitted from the front of the dim office. The eldest of them sat behind the hard-oak table on a dark leather chair, his suit's jacket was tossed on the side which showed that he was relaxing with his time off. Hunter crossed the large room and stood next to his brother and his alpha.

Gabriel Centauri was the tallest of them all combined and the most ruthless. He had the strongest aura that dominated over everyone, it never left any doubt in people's minds why he was the fiercest alpha or the greatest entrepreneur. His cool and collected demeanour never hindered his ability to win the next deal or hunt the next criminal, which Hunter always admired about his brother since he had more of a temper. Gabriel was a noble leader that protected everybody under his wing, no one had anything to fear as long as Gabriel declared them to be under his protection.

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