Chapter 11: Young Night

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Hailey was settled on the bleachers under the large fluffy clouds in the blue evening sky, which were as pink as the cotton-candy Hailey devoured from the stick. All the students and teachers and some of the pack had joined from hearing the loud commotion of music and bustling kids. Most of the parents began the preparations of the barbecue, which quickly turned into a feast when families brought their homemade dishes to add a bit more magic to the dinner.

Everyone sat back to enjoy the burning red sun which fell asleep behind the horizon of the lake that glimmered like liquid gold. Hailey didn't remember the last time she had been so mystified by the magic of night-break, she rarely spent time to enjoy the creations of mother nature. It was only until she joined the Centauri pack did she break that cycle of despair and enjoyed the life which was gifted to her. Hailey lived with a lot of regret whenever the thought of her parents came to her mind, they died because of her carelessness and she had never forgiven herself since then. However, she got herself through school like they wished and built a successful career, she found a strong mate who had undeniable honour and the love he had for his own family was indisputable, she belonged to a pack that even her parents were never a part of in their life. Hailey surpassed their wishes. So, was it alright for her to settle down and find forgiveness once and for all? She wondered solemnly.

"Where's Viola?" A voice snapped her out of her thoughts. Hunter prowled onto the bleachers and climbed up towards her.

"She went to get more cotton-candy," said Hailey.

Hunter joined her on the bench. "That kid always had a sweet-tooth," he added fondly. His gold eyes brightened with that small smile that creeped onto his lips and softened his stern face.

Hailey ripped off a piece of the sweet pink fluff and presented it in front of Hunter's lips. "Don't you have a sweet-tooth too?" she jested with a grin.

Hunter turned his gaze towards her with mischievousness twinkling in his radiant eyes. Hunter grabbed her hand and the blistering sensation shot threw her arm, he bent down and put his lips around her fingers that gently held the cotton-candy. "Delicious," he said huskily.

Hailey pulled her hand away like his touch was hotter than a flame. "Did you enjoy yourself today?" she asked casually to divert his attention and his dark intentions that she could see right through his eyes.

His eyes never left her face. "More than I planned to," he revealed. "You see, I shared this amazing kiss with my mate."

Hailey's eyes widened. "Wh- what?" she was baffled by his candor. Hunter leaned closer until his arm brushed hers and the heat from his body was all she could feel and sense. Her body immediately grew more aware of his presence, the strong wave of their bond swam around them and swarmed them in a bubble that was impervious.

"You do know what's going to happen tonight right?" he asked very gently.

Hailey's heart was in her throat. "The barbecue," she choked out her reply.

Hunter's laugh slithered down her entire body. "Don't be nervous," he reassured.

"Aren't you?" she asked him suddenly and he looked at her surprised. "How can you be so sure that you want to mate with me? I've never done anything to impress you and you don't know anything about me. So, why do you want me? Or is it just the obligation you're fulfilling because you found your mate. Because if that's what you're doing than I'd rather you wouldn't, you'll only regret it."

Hunter grabbed her hands. "Slow down," he whispered. Hunter turned towards her, his sharp gold eyes bore into her nervous and hesitant eyes that were letting him know how unnerved she truly was about all of this. "I want to mate you because I want to show my family that we can be happy too," he told her.

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