Chapter 28: Think of Me

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 "What are you talking about, Zero?" asked Czar. The mood in the room was as heavy as the rain that started thundering outside.

"Why don't I just show you," Zero lead them towards the door she had left from earlier. Behind the entry were three men tied down with a leather belt and they were piled on top of the other. "These were how many I could catch," she said. "But there were a lot more hiding around your property."

Czar motioned his beta to take these men and to dispose of them promptly. "I don't know of anything that could lead to this," he said, "but whoever it was doesn't want to start a war with my pack. It'll only end badly for them."

No one in the room knew what those mercenaries wanted or what their objective was, except for the Centauri pack members.

"They're not here for you," said Gabriel. "Those men have been sent by Waldorf."

Czar crossed his arms. "To do what?" he inquired grimly.

"To kill me," said Gabriel. The two alphas exchanged a weary look that told Czar that Gabriel was fully aware of what this situation entailed.

"You sighed a treaty with Lucas Waldorf though," said Isaiah, the alpha of the Iron Blood pack. "I thought wars between packs weren't allowed after that."

"Those mercenaries aren't part of Waldorf's pack," said Hunter.

Zero stepped forth. "Lucas wants to strip you of your title, doesn't he?" she asked Gabriel. None of the Centauri pack members were surprised that Zero was able to sniff out the plan. "Then that old bat isn't trying to kill you," she stated, "he's trying to play mind games."

"Why the fuck is Waldorf doing that?" snapped Czar. "The nerve of him to send pathetic mongrels on my turf is crossing a line."

"He wants you to provoke Gabriel," guessed Zero. "He's determined to get that reaction, by threatening all of us, even you, Czar."

"What are you planning on doing, Gabriel?" asked Zachariah. "This isn't going to be easy no matter how you look at it."

"I wasn't expecting it to be easy," said Gabriel.

"Why would getting rid of Lucas Waldorf be hard?" asked Isaiah.

Zachariah shook his head. "Getting rid of an alpha always has its repercussions. Even if Lucas is stripped of his title, that still allows him to choose his heir. And we can all guess what type of heir Lucas would pick."

"An heir that will cause more destruction than peace," remarked Zero dreadfully.

The alphas all broke out in a discussion over what was the best way to solve this problematic issue. But the Centauri's all stayed quiet when they noticed Gabriel calmly contemplating his own plan.

"I'm sorry I brought trouble to your doorstep, Czar," said Gabriel.

"It's no trouble at all," Czar's voice was gruff.

"Handling Lucas is my problem," Gabriel told them. "That man has been a thorn in my side for years now. I think it's time to make a friend out of this enemy."

"What makes you think Lucas will give in?" asked Zachariah.

"I wasn't talking about Lucas," said Gabriel. "When I am able that bastard will die, just not by my hands."

"There are probably many people who'd like that job," said Czar.

"No, I think someone in particular is waiting to do this job," said Gabriel. "I just need to find the right time."

No one argued with Gabriel's plan of action because they knew if anyone had this planned out perfectly, it was the Centauri alpha. And with his pack, nothing would stop him. The rest of the packs got into their cars and made their way back home after the rain had let up.

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