Chapter 18: Us

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"Be careful," scolded Klaus.

"Klaus, stop hovering over me like a bee," rebuked Hailey.

"I wouldn't have to if you'd just listen," reprimanded Klaus.

Hailey rolled her eyes. "I'm perfectly fine, Klaus," she said as she got up from the bed and walked towards the washroom to freshen up.

She had woken up a couple of hours ago and Dr. Stone had permitted for her to go home. Hunter brought Hailey a change of clothes, which she was thankful for because she felt too sluggish to be in a dress. But all morning up until the noon, Klaus and Hunter have been pestering her to stay off her feet or eat, basically anything she was doing they had to make some type of comment. She had grown sick of it and had thrown Hunter out to go get the car, but Klaus stubbornly stuck to her side all day even during the tests.

When she exited the washroom, Klaus came around and grabbed the bag from her hand. He passed her the bottled water and told her to sit down when the door opened and Hunter strode inside.

"The car's here," he said. "Azura's waiting outside." He walked up to her with concern in his amber eyes. "Do you think you can walk?"

"I broke my wrist Hunter, not my foot," said Hailey. "You two are driving me insane."

"Get all the stuff in the car," Hunter told Klaus and he followed through the simple order.

Hailey felt an odd rush being alone with Hunter all of a sudden. He moved around the room with the control he emitted that was undeniably powerful. She twisted her hands together and tried to distract herself from his heavy presence.

"The car's parked behind the hospital in the private sector," said Hunter. He opened the curtain and looked down the twelve floors. He came around to her and removed the scarf from around his neck and wrapped it over her neck. "It's cold outside," he said softly. "Get straight into the car when we reach outside, okay."

Hailey nodded. "Okay."

Hunter kissed her forehead and then he laced his hand into hers. He shortened his strides to match hers as he led her down the remote hallways of the hospital. She was surprised that they not only had their own VIP rooms in the hospital, but also their own private parking area and helipad location. Dr. Stone and her team worked for Gabriel at hospital because they were werewolves themselves, so it saved all of the explaining.

They had reached the last pair of double doors and a black car stood right in the front. Hunter opened the door and she quickly got in the car like he had instructed earlier. He followed behind her and closed the door. She heard the locks click in place and the ignition was already turned on. Azura sat in the driver's seat with Klaus riding shotgun, she wondered where Lupin went off to or if he already returned home.

Hailey felt the sudden tension in the air and she pondered if it was because the last time they were all out they had been tailed by strangers.

"Lupin scoped the area and he will be following closely behind us," Azura told Hunter.

Hunter's stern eyes met Azura's gaze through the rear-view mirror. "I don't want any mistakes."

Azura nodded and she positioned the gear shifter to drive.

Hailey's nerves didn't settle, until they had left the crowded highways and they had entered the forest trails away from the buildings and rushing cars. She looked down at the thin cast around her wrist and realized how dangerous last night could have gotten. She could have broken her neck or even worse Klaus could have gotten hurt...all because of her. Again. How many people was she going to hurt all because she didn't listen. Her heart weighed down like an anchor that pulled her down to the darkest depths of her guilt she carried for a very long time. The dread swallowed her whole and she choked up just remembering her past all over again.

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