Chapter 31: Offence

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Hailey was going to return to her own cabin for the night, but Viola and Klaus insisted that she'd eat dinner with them. She pushed the exhaustion climbing on her back and joined the two who made her feel like she wasn't as tired as she looked. Hailey helped Klaus in the kitchen after they had freshened up from the long day at the Institute. Vincent was in his room and Viola was seated on the stool with fresh bowl of blackberries. Hailey may have had a long day but spending time with everyone made the exhaustion feel like a dream.

Last night, she finally shared her past to Hunter. Instead of being revolted or disapproving, Hunter had supported her despite telling him that she was the reason behind her parent's deaths. Hunter never once judged her or thought that she was selfish. Hailey got lost in the task of cutting the colourful peppers for the salad as the noodles boiled on the stove. The weight on her back had been taken off and she had this group of remarkable people to thank for it. Nothing could beat the sensation that was in Hailey as of this moment. She was truly happy and felt like she could move on with her life.

"When is everyone coming home?" she asked Klaus.

"They should be back soon," said Klaus. He pulled out his cellphone and looked at the time. "They don't-"

The front door suddenly burst open. River and Gabriel rushed inside with furious expressions. Hailey's heart sank when she didn't see Hunter with them.

"What's going on?" asked Viola as she joined the guys in the living room.

"Lucas issued more mercenaries to attack Gabriel tonight," said River. "They showed up in a group outside the company building."

"What the hell," astonished Viola. "How'd they get the nerve to come to the company?"

"Lucas came to me this morning," grumbled Gabriel. "And I sent him with his tail between his fucking legs."

Hailey's hands froze by her side. "Where's Hunter?" she didn't want to ask, but she needed to know, otherwise it would have eaten her up inside. Except, none of the men answered. "Gabriel," she called out his name like a pleading cry. "Where is he?"

Gabriel met her chaotic gaze, that was slipping into despair. "He used himself as a decoy so I could escape," he told her firmly, but the guilt in his eyes was clear.

Hailey swallowed the tightness in her throat that was choking the life out of her. But she masked the panic for Gabriel. "Okay. Thank you for telling me," she said faintly. "He'll be fine, he'll come back, right?"

Gabriel sauntered over to her. His arms wrapped and gathered her small form in his reassuring arms. "He's the best fighter I've got," he told her softly. "He'll be back to you."

Hailey buried her head on his chest. She didn't want to show the fear, but everyone knew that she was terrified. Gabriel laid his hand on her head, and then, he turned away to face the dead hearth of the fire place.

Hailey's pale face and frozen hands brought her back to where she didn't like being anymore. Hailey couldn't lose another person, she wasn't strong enough to bear the loss all over again, especially her mate. Hunter was her other half, if he was taken from her, she'd crumble and fall apart. Nothing could save her, not even their eternal goddess, Maya.

Azura, Vincent and Ryder and Lupin all joined the grim group in the living room after a dire half-hour passed. The storm had grown heavier, thunder roared without rest and it cut through Hailey the most. She suffered every crack of lightning, like it was whipping her to feel the anguish inside her heart even more.

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