Chapter 7: The Summit

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The grey clouds over the Waldorf territory didn't surprise Hunter. This property was ominous enough to make the pack members want to leave it behind forever, but no one had the guts to face Lucas and request their freedom. The compound was built up of multiple houses where a couple of families resided, but most of Lucas's men occupied the majority of the space. Waldorf's main castle blocked the hidden property, and it was the first line of defence if anyone tried to infiltrate their territory.

Their car passed the barbed security gate which was packed with thugs that were always ready for a fight.

"This may just be a simple meeting," said River from the front seat as he drove up the drive way. "But stay alert. I don't want anyone getting hurt."

"Are you warning us to behave?" asked Vincent with a smirk.

River glared at Vincent through the rear-view mirror, and then, his cold blue eyes locked with Hunter's, but he didn't say anything because he didn't need to. His cold calculative gaze made sure that Hunter understood to stay calm during the summit.

"Ryder will guard Hunter and Vince," explained River with great care. "I'll be beside Gabriel."

After bypassing the inner ring of security, they entered the property that was quiet but eerie. They all grew alert at the silence that was almost dangerous. Hunter didn't see any kids or wolves, there was only guards protecting the main estate. Waldorf's castle stood proudly on a jagged hill; the structure was strong and sturdy like it's leader.

The car came to a full stop and every single guard stepped closer to their vehicle even though they knew who had arrived. Hunter stepped out first and faced the group of fiery wolves who didn't even stand as a challenge for any of them. Hunter closed the door after Gabriel, when he found River and Ryder already in their positions.

Gabriel confidently lead the way with River and Hunter was right behind his older brother with Vincent and Ryder next to him. They climbed the fleet of stairs and faced the massive ebony doors, the Waldorf family was extremely wealthy, and since they are the second original family they should be held at the highest regard like the Centauri's, but that was not the case because Lucas Waldorf didn't keep his hands out of muddy waters.

The Waldorf's were notoriously known to be part of the mafia, drug dealing and even weapons trafficking, but they were never caught. When Robert Centauri was the alpha, he was determined to confide Lucas of his crimes, but the Waldorf dodged those accusations and disappeared for a while. Until, Gabriel became alpha and the whole situation changed for both families. However, the counsellors of the wolf society, which is built up of the alphas of each pack got together and decided that no one shall interfere in the matters of another pack. Gabriel decided it was easier to end the feud between the two families before a war broke out because Lucas always wanted Gabriel's title. But what Lucas didn't understand was that Gabriel's position was chosen with a power greater than just chance.

They all reached the last step when the doors swung open and a scent that Hunter detested wafted through the cool and brittle air. A tremendously large man appeared and it was Lucas's beta Don Sullivan; his dark hair was cut short to his head and he always had a twisted smile although it never reached those bottomless black eyes.

Hunter blanked his face and made sure that Don couldn't read anything off of him.

"You're late," rebuked Don.

"Terrible traffic, Don," retorted Gabriel and he stepped in front of the beta with ease and dominance only he can conjure. "Now move or you're going to make us even more late."

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