Chapter 4: Stay

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The Centauri siblings sat in Gabriel's living room since they needed to discuss the urgent news about Hunter's sudden mate.

Klaus informed them all that he had a class so he couldn't make it to this abrupt meeting, whilst Vincent and Viola got comfortable on the couch and Gabriel poured himself a drink.

They all watched Hunter with sweet curious smiles, but he abhorred the sudden attention. The light chatter masked his grim mood, but through the thick morning air and blazing sunlight that showered through the tall glass windows, he found a pair of strict eyes observing him; it was Gabriel. He stared at Hunter with a gaze that thawed through his soul and peeled through the layers he tried so hard to cover up. The intense golden gaze that glistened like honey was as sturdy as marble. Hunter peeled his eyes away from his brother and leaned on the cool wall, his body instantly calmed down, but his mind was racing as fast as a horse.

"Viola filled me in," Gabriel spoke first. "I've met Hailey Swan a couple of times myself. She's a sweet girl who works very hard at the Institute and I respect that. I even heard she topped her classes in University, which is very impressive."

"She's great with kids too," added Viola like a plus point.

"And she's drop dead gorgeous," Vincent remarked.

Hunter silently listened as they all discussed Hailey like she already became a part of the family, which Hunter wasn't angry about or did he find it odd. He was quite pleased that his family approved and that they opened their arms for Hailey, even though she wasn't even here yet. But despite all of their kindness, a dreadful sickness crept its way into Hunter's heart. Would Hailey even accept him and his past? Hunter was no less from a killer, and for sweet innocent girl like Hailey, she would rather fear him than love.

Hunter's wolf clawed inside of him.

Hunter could tell that his wolf was growing more angsty now that he had found his mate, so was Hunter for that matter. A lot told him that he didn't deserve a mate, but how was he supposed to forget the one that had already stolen his heart and bonded with his wolf. He may not deserve a mate, but he darkly craved one.

Gabriel tipped his glass back that had strong whiskey swirling in it, and then, poured himself another. "I'm so happy for you," he shared openly. His hard gaze captured Hunter's eyes again.

Hunter faked his smile for his brother. "Er- thank you," he said. "But I still have to tell her."

"She doesn't know," said Vincent. "I thought mates could tell on their own."

"Not Hailey," said Viola with a playful grin. "She's way too gullible for our bad-ass brother."

Vincent chuckled and remarked, "Either he's going to become a little pup or Hailey's going to turn into a beast."

"I'm thinking it's our brother that's going to have to change if he wants to court Hailey," suggested Gabriel.

"Great," groaned Hunter towards Gabriel. "Not you too."

"Relax," assured Vincent. "She'll be thrilled to know that a Centauri is her mate."

Those words chilled down Hunter's spine. "Will she be though?" Those words slipped out of Hunter before he got the chance to stop them.

All of them silenced like he dropped a glass on the floor and it shattered into a thousand pieces with the sheer force of truth.

"Should being part of our family be something to be happy about," he continued. "We're all hunters and I'm nothing less than a cold-blooded killer. We mark our prey and kill whoever stands in our way. That isn't a life I want to give her, especially with a father like ours."

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