Chapter 14: Family

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Hunter walked up the fleet of stairs towards Gabriel's room with a smile on his face and the box of cookies Hailey had prepared for him in his hand. Before he even opened the door, he clearly heard the boisterous crowd that had gathered right on time.

The moment he entered the first thing everyone noticed was the box in his hands. He rolled his eyes and set the container on the square table between the couches. "Hailey made us sugar cookies," he explained.

"She is spoiling us," remarked Vincent as he reached for the cookie that would complement his cup of black coffee perfectly.

They didn't even realize when Azura took three cookies and had wandered back to her seat, her feral sharp eyes were entirely focused on the sugary cookies that smelt divine. River and Ryder helped themselves and they all enjoyed their morning coffee with soft cookies that melted in their mouth.

"Save me one," said Gabriel interrupting his phone call midway just to remind them before he went back.

Hunter grabbed the coffee pot that was freshly brewed because Gabriel knew that they'd all meet in his room, even though they had an office. He grabbed the red mug with a secret grin and poured himself a refreshing cup of caffeine, even though he didn't need its help to wake up. He was perfect this morning, nothing could beat this sensation he felt in his heart and soul. Hunter and his wolf were both calm. He enjoyed the light breeze and the chirping birds; this deep feeling was what he was missing all his life.

"You seem different," said Azura. Her silvery eyes never missed anything, just like her wolf.

Vincent grinned over his cup. "Our brother has mated," his smile was genuine. Vincent got to his feet and approached Hunter. His hazel eyes that looked greener under the sun smiled at Hunter. "I'm so happy for you," he said. Azura, Ryder and River proudly patted Hunter's back and congratulated him.

Vincent's deep gaze held his focus. "I was beginning to believe that finding a mate wasn't possible for people like us," he said. "But you proved me wrong."

"When have I not," remarked Hunter and they laughed.

Although, they had smiles they all understood what Vincent spoke about. It was the truth, people like them couldn't find mates without the fear of losing them. The Centauri pack had many enemies and for the longest time Hunter believed that it would be safer to just be alone, out of all of them Gabriel and Hunter believed that the most. However, all that changed for him when he woke up this morning with Hailey by his side. It was a remarkable flutter in his heart that even being apart from her it wouldn't stop.

Although, his brother Gabriel didn't trust that his life was safe enough for a mate, with a target always on his back he gave up the chance of ever finding a mate, but he always hoped that his siblings would find love. He made sure that no enemy would pass his iron defences that would hurt his family. He was the one that encouraged Hunter to mate with Hailey last night. After the run, they had returned home and Gabriel told Hunter that he should claim his mate. Hunter had revealed his fear of the life they lead, and all Gabriel had told him was that protecting the pack was the alpha's responsibility. Of course, Hunter disagreed and made sure that Gabriel knew that Hunter was always on his side.

"I do not stand behind my wolves," he had said. "I was born and built to be at the front lines to protect you."

"Brother..." said Hunter.

"Mate with your Hailey," he said and those golden eyes were still his wolf's. "And bring her to the family. I think it's time that our family grew."

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