Chapter 21: Crave

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Hailey stood outside Hunter's balcony doors. The light breeze kissed her skin and cheeks cooling them down almost instantly. She watched the sway of the tall pine trees dance with the wind under the crescent moon. With her aching wrist, Hailey untied her chignon and loosened her hair, cascading down her back it fell freely. She had the greatest urge to run in her wolf form in the forest, but with the bad wrist that wasn't the smartest idea she got all day.

The door behind her opened without the slightest sound; it would have gone unheard if she hadn't recognized Hunter's footsteps and scent by now. He didn't ask any questions, instead he came beside her and stood wordlessly.

"It's a beautiful night," she broke the silence first.

Hunter caged her from behind. "Yeah," he said softly.

"Makes me want to take a run," she sighed as the cool air chilled her to the bone.

Hunter moved closer to her. His heat blanketed her into a warm cocoon. "We'll go once you fully recover."

"Maybe we should just go on a walk," she offered with a smiled.

Hunter tilted his head. "Fine." He shuffled around the room and returned to her after he visited his closet. "Put this on," he instructed. She grabbed a hold of his denim jacket, which was ripped and thoroughly worn. He helped her with the arms and buttoned it up to keep her warm.

"What about you?" she asked.

He grinned. "I didn't say that I couldn't transform," he pulled his shirt off.

Hailey pouted. "That's not fair," she crossed her arms. "You're going to make me jealous if you're in your wolf form."

Hunter closed the space between them. "Sorry baby," he kissed her forehead, "but I can't let this beautiful night go to waste, now can I?"

"I suppose one of us should enjoy it," she grumbled. Hunter moved around her and went to the thin closet door near the balcony. "What are you doing?" she asked. "The door's this way."

Hunter flicked on the light that was behind the thin door. The warn yellow light showcased a hidden staircase. "We can get out this way," he ushered her to follow.

She was impressed. "You have a secret door?"

"This house is really old and has a lot of hidden entrances like this one," shared Hunter as they climbed down the winding stairs. "Helps us get in and out of the building unseen."

Hailey beamed with a bright smile. "I've always wanted hidden hideouts and treehouses when I was a kid," she shared. "I never got one though. So, this is very cool. Thank you for showing me."

Hunter smirked from ahead. They finally reached the bottom and Hunter didn't forget to close the lights behind them. He opened the door to the outside and let them both out. The night air had grown colder, so she was thankful Hunter's jacket kept her nice and snug. She lifted the collar so the cold air wouldn't break her ears off though. It didn't matter that Hunter was shirtless because his wolf form would keep him warm once he transformed. They walked a few steps and once hidden away from the windows and night guards, Hunter transformed in front of her. She grabbed his pants that had fallen and put them on the ledge near the secret door, so he could put them on before they returned home.

Hunter's wolf was massive, black and ferocious above anything else. He smelt of pure strength, dominance and intelligence for its age. The wolf approached her without hesitation and sniffed her cold hands and jacket. She saw the satisfaction in the wolf's amber eyes when he recognized his own smell on her. He knew that his human had claimed her and marked her as his own. Hailey was stunned by Hunter's smug wolf that was so hot-headed when it came to marking her. She laid her hand on his head and caressed his thick coat, which was so soft between her fingers that she didn't want to remove her hand.

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