Chapter 22: Bleeding

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Hunter shut the light of the bathroom after he was finished. He held a towel for his wet hair as he returned to his bedroom again, which was brimming with another type of atmosphere this fine morning. The white light of the young sun was cascading all over the wooden floor and over his bed. The very bed where at the moment his mate slept soundly. Hunter and Hailey had barely gotten any sleep last night because they went to bed just before sunrise. Although he slept for only an hour, he was rested enough. But Hailey still had time, so he decided that he'd let her sleep in just for a little while until it was time for her own work.

Hunter tossed the towel aside to get dressed; his body was content almost lazy in its movements. He wondered, why that was? Usually adrenaline was surging through his veins and his wolf was ready for any mission or training. But as of this morning, Hunter felt as if nothing was more important than the quietness he felt in his room with Hailey.

Hunter's jeans were snug and ripped from being worn in so much. He was about to choose a shirt from his closet when his eyes landed on his reflection. The mark on his neck was faint but it was definitely visible to him. Hailey had finally marked him as hers, which caught Hunter by surprise that she had last night. He would have thought that she needed more convincing on his part, but she had entrusted her wolf and herself to him. Hunter knew that Hailey didn't just bond with anyone, she marked him because she chose to believe in him and their mating.

"Hunter," a soft voice interrupted Hunter's thought.

Hunter turned to find his mate's eyes flutter open under the rays of the sun. Her silver eyes glistened like opals when the flecks of blue sparkled because of the crisp light. Hailey's vibrant red hair cascaded over the pillows, and he felt the darkest urge to run his hands through the soft, thick waves. The duvet covered her bare body that he took his time with last night, but her toned leg was out from under the covers and so were her arms, which were positioned beside her head.

Hunter stood at her bedside. His hand moved on its own accord when he caressed her soft calf and inched closer up to her thigh. "Hi, baby," he whispered near her ear. "It's six thirty."

She hummed and turned over to her side. "Why are you awake so early?" she asked groggily.

Hunter kissed her cheek. "I actually woke up late," he told her.

Hailey reached over and gently caressed his jaw that had a slight stubble last night but was gone now. "You took a shower," she said when she felt his wet hair too, even though she was half asleep. "If you had waited I could've joined you."

Hunter raised a brow at her teasing tone and smirked. He pushed the duvet off of her body and rolled her over to the middle of the bed. Hailey was fully awake now.

"Bad idea to tease me," he growled viciously, but it didn't work on Hailey. She simply beamed a smile in his direction and it calmed him right down.

"It's good to know that you're a morning person like me," considered Hailey.

Hunter teasingly nipped her earlobe. "I'm only a morning person for my mate," he grouched. "Everyone else can go to hell."

Hailey turned over onto her stomach and tried to crawl out from underneath him, but there was no escaping his clutches. His single hand caged her hip to cease all attempts to move away. Hunter moved her hair over her shoulder and kissed down the length of her small back.

"That tickles, Hunter!" Hailey wriggled and tried to stop his teeth.

Hunter spared Hailey and stopped. He reached over and kissed her shoulder. "I think we're both going to be late for work," he said hotly.

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