Chapter 30: Knights at the Table

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A warm day rolled in with a bright blue sky and the sun shining to its full glory. The air was humid and not one leaf moved on any tree outside the property. Hunter was already downstairs in the busy kitchen dressed to go to the company with Gabriel. Viola and Klaus were eating breakfast around the counter. Vincent waltzed into the galley dressed in a suit ready for the demanding day, that wasn't unusual for them.

"Where's Hailey?" Vincent asked as he grabbed the sandwich Klaus had prepared for all of them.

"She's still getting ready," said Hunter.

"How is she feeling today?" Klaus frowned disrupting his calm expression. "She seemed a bit down last night."

Hunter wasn't surprised when Klaus had detected that Hailey's mood was off. Klaus had the knack to see people's truth without exchanging any words with them. "She's doing better," Hunter believed. "A car accident yesterday reminded Hailey of her parents-" they stiffened when they heard that piece of news- "her parents died in a car crash and she carried that burden around with her for years."

"Can you blame her," Viola sighed wearily. "We all carry the loss of our own parents too."

Hunter's gaze landed on Klaus who had turned away from them. His back slouched over the sink as he rinsed his hands under cold water. "No one should carry a weight like that," Hunter said to them, but he directed those words mostly to Klaus. "The child carries no fault." Klaus stiffened when Hunter expressed those words to them. Viola and Vincent both looked at their baby brother with solemn expressions.

Vincent supportively patted Klaus on the back. "Thanks for the breakfast," he smiled warmly and Klaus smiled back at them too. "Where's Gabriel? We have to get going."

Hailey was the one who joined them in the kitchen next. "Good morning," she greeted them kindly. Hunter could tell that she had rested well from last night and was back to her usual self. She sauntered over to Hunter's side dressed in a black dress with her flaming red hair loosely tumbling down her back. Klaus passed her a sandwich for her to enjoy as well before they went to the Institute together.

Hailey looked at the clock, and then, she directed her gaze towards Klaus and Viola. "We should head out soon," she suggested as she finished up her quick breakfast.

"Yeah, let's get this show on the road," said Viola. She slipped off the stool and the three teachers grouped together near the front-door. Gabriel had arrived just on time too, his expression looked stricter than usual. Hunter and Vincent joined Gabriel at the door with everyone else. They all left the house behind as Klaus locked the entrance securely.

Hunter sauntered around his siblings and put his arm around Hailey. He gathered her close to his side. "Have a great day," he whispered near her ear.

Hailey's smile grew bashful. "You too," she said. "I'll see you tonight." Hailey waved him off and joined Klaus and Viola who were on their way to the Institute.

"Hailey seems to be doing better," alleged Gabriel.

Hunter nodded. "That woman went through some tough shit," he said. "But that didn't stop her from building a new life."

Gabriel strict frown lifted into an eased smile. "Those are the best kind of people," he laid a hand on Hunter's shoulder.

"Do we have to wait all day for you two?" Vincent asked his brothers cynically.

Gabriel rolled his eyes as Hunter had done too. The twin arrived punctually as always and joined them around the cars. They drove through Manhattan with speed, that helped them get to their destination in half the time. Arriving at the steel-blue skyscraper known as Centauri Enterprise; Hunter and River followed Gabriel after Ryder accompanied Vincent to his office in the Law Department.

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