Chapter 9: Waffles and Kisses

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Bright sunlight graciously poured on the balcony glass, it cut through the sheer curtains and blared straight into Hailey's face, she begged for another moment of sleep but her brain was already starting to wake up before she was willing to face the day. A cool breeze swept through the open window and warned her to wear warm clothes today at work, she was glad that she had Hunter's sweater on right now; it kept her snug under the bedsheets, but then she recalled that she had taken it off before bed. So, what kept her so warm? She pondered. Hailey's eyes fluttered open when the familiar dark pine scent bathed over her like the light of the sunrise.

She turned on her side and her eyes shot open because Hunter Centauri was asleep right next to her in her bed. Hailey choked on her breath and she rolled away and tumbled onto the floor.

"What are you doing in my bed!" She exclaimed.

Hunter eyes squinted as the sun beamed on his face too. "It got really cold downstairs," he grumbled as he dozed in and out of sleep. Hunter seemed completely unfazed even though this was a crazy situation. She panicked when she realized how poorly her body was covered and without a second to waste she dashed inside the bathroom.

Hailey brushed her teeth with frenzy because she hadn't expected that Hunter would actually sleep next to her. She knew that at night it got terribly cold downstairs- she remembered that she warned him too, but she didn't dare imagine waking up to find him next to her. No wonder she was so warm and cozy, his heat warmed her better than the sun outside. Hailey splashed cold water on her face and prayed that the blush that coloured her cheeks would be destroyed, which did not happen.

Hailey opened the door and Hunter was still on the bed, his long legs were stretched out and the blanket was under him and his bare feet, which caught her off guard even more. His stern face was relaxed and he looked quite at ease, she had this terrible urge to run her fingers through the dark locks of his tousled hair. Even in the morning he looked so handsome, his strong arms were crossed on his chest and that put a small smile on her lips, no matter what he did he always looked domineering. She crept around him and avoided all the floor boards she knew squeaked, she couldn't help but feel so flustered that he's in her room. It was like they were actually living together, Hailey inwardly screamed and wanted to run away from embarrassment, but before she left, she grabbed the extra blanket from the closet and covered Hunter. She turned to leave when her hand was caught and she didn't even need to guess what had grabbed her.

"Good morning," Hunter's voice was even deeper after waking up.

Hailey bit her lip. "Good morning," she replied and faced his golden gaze that was bright and alert this morning. "I'll make breakfast," she blurted out. "I left an extra toothbrush on the shelf and you can take a shower if you want, but I only have flower scented body-washes."

Hunter smiled charmingly. "Thanks," he lifted from under the covers and his bare feet planted on the ground, he towered over her and pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Do you have work today?" He asked.

"Yes," she answered but she couldn't concentrate because his hand kept moving around her body; first he moved her hair and then he fixed the strap of her nightgown.

"What time do you need to be there?" He asked.

Her breath halted. "Eight o'clock," she whispered.

"I'll take you," he said.

"There's no need," she said. "It's just a few minutes' walk from here."

Hunter gazed into her eyes with a hard look. "I will drop you off," he said more firmly.

"Alright," she stepped back because she couldn't handle the feel of his hands so close to her body, he was right in front of her but she couldn't do anything to him. She wanted to push him on the bed and join him but she could never do something like that to anyone. Not that she ever experienced something like this before, this was the first time that a man slept next to her. "Freshen up and come downstairs," with his sweater in her hands she scampered down the stairs making sure not to fall on her face every step of the way.

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