Chapter 27: The Rogue Alpha

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Hailey and Hunter returned to their seats after the dance

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Hailey and Hunter returned to their seats after the dance. By then, dinner had been served with a wide spread, which absolutely delighted Hailey and the rest of the pack. Everyone got ready to eat at their own tables.

"I'm starving," said Viola after she returned from her dance with a few men she was friends with.

Gabriel didn't dance with anyone, even though there were a lot of women that wanted to above anything else. But they didn't have the courage to come and ask him. Hailey felt pretty bad for all those girls that couldn't summon courage to come to their pack's alpha. Gabriel's intimidating aura was overwhelming and his gaze stopped many people in their tracks. Besides all of those qualities, Hailey knew Gabriel was innocuous- unless someone wanted to cause him trouble. However, Hailey had some uncertainty that he would dance with anyone even if someone asked him.

Hailey enjoyed the food as much as everyone else around the table had. But then, something in Hunter changed, alerting her and her wolf. "What's wrong?" she asked as she noticed him stiffen beside her even though she knew that he enjoyed the food just as much as her. Hunter's amber gaze hardened and his eyes turned towards the massive doors.

"She's here," he alerted everyone at the table.

Hailey had no clue what Hunter was talking about, but apparently the rest of them seemed to understand almost immediately what Hunter implied- especial Gabriel. But it wasn't just the ones at her own table. Everyone in the banquet seemed to have turned their attention off their food and towards the door.

In the darkness of the night emerged a tall, elegant woman in black. Her skin as pale as the moon; her eyes cobalt blue- dark as sapphires; hair as black as the feathers on a crow and it was cut short to align to her sharp, hard-set jawline. The woman's leather heeled boots clinked on the hard-floor grabbing everyone's warranted attention. But she didn't even spare a glance or get mildly caught off guard by all the eyes. This woman's iron gaze faced the front and that's all it was concerned for.

Hailey's wolf sensed the dominance emitting from this woman. The strength was almost ominous in the night air. She was undoubtedly an alpha and a trained fighter from the way her body moved with such languid control. The woman cut straight through the tables and located the main host of the party.

Czar stopped his dinner. He got out of his seat to greet this woman- no one was surprised that he had, except Hailey. The woman hugged Czar and his wife before she took the seat right next to him. Eventually, everyone returned to their dinners. But at the back of their heads, they all paid notice to the woman that sauntered in quietly, but her presence was louder than a hurricane.

"Who is that?" Hailey asked them discreetly.

"That's Zero," answered Hunter.

"What pack is she from?" asked Hailey.

River shook his head. "Zero's not from a pack," he said. "She's a rogue."

Hailey studied the woman so-called Zero. She had not once cracked a smile or seemed to falter in her demeanour. She held a discussion with Czar and his wife about something; it probably wasn't serious from the way she made Czar and his wife laugh. Although, the woman didn't even blink, so the air around the table felt dire.

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