Chapter 10: Mark Me, Break Me

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-Hunter's POV-

Hunter and River climbed up the long tower which was located at the edge of the property. It was the headquarters of their property control system which monitored the territory gates and every camera positioned around the entire campus. A team that was trained by River and Hunter were stationed in that tower and they managed the safety of the pack.

River turned the metal knob and pushed the heavy door, behind it sat the S.T.A.R Squad (Security Tactical Armed Reinforcement) These five members built the foundation of the Centauri security system led by theirs truly, Azura. She showed up at their house five years ago covered in blood and no memory of her past. Gabriel had taken her in and after six months of vigorous training with Hunter was all it took for her to impress them because if anyone could land a punch on the most ruthless wolf was accepted any time.

Hunter sauntered inside the large room and Azura was seated at the top seat, which had the perfect position to get the full view of all the camera screens. Although everyone in the room was dressed in casual jeans and shirts, not her and no one would ever see her dressed in anything else. She always had a combat suit tightly hugging every inch on her toned body, which was slender than most fighters, but she used her splendid height and stealth to her advantage. Her black hair was straight and long and her sharp grey eyes were the most intimidating of all.

"Look what the cat dragged in," remarked Lupin and everyone's attention turned towards the door.

"Good to see you too, Lupin," said Hunter. The muscular red head was always bright and relaxed but when the time came to be serious he was ready and reliable.

"It's weird to see you both here," said Eve. She and her brother Elliot both worked with Azura as well. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes," said River. "We just needed to relay a message from our alpha."

"What does Gabriel need?" Azura spoke, she rose from her seat and climbed down the few steps that separated them.

"Where's Conner and Brandon?" asked Hunter.

"They're on their break because they got the night shift," said Lupin with a chuckle.

"It's your turn tonight, you know," rebuked Eve.

Lupin's amusement died half way.

River handed the grey file to Azura. "Gabriel wants the entire security team to get familiar with the Waldorf pack," he told her as casually as he could without seeming suspicious, but it wasn't enough for Azura's sharp instincts.

Azura grabbed the file from River, she ambled into her office and indicated them to follow her, right when the door closed behind them, she asked sternly; "What's this really about?"

Hunter crossed his arms. "It's nothing serious," he reassured. "Although the treaty has been signed, we still want all our wolves prepared."

Azura leaned on her table. "Our wolves are always prepared," she said. "I know that Gabriel doesn't trust Lucas Waldorf and neither should we. But what's with the sudden change of orders?"

"Just make sure all the guards are familiar with those faces," said Hunter.

Azura dropped the file on her table without even opening it, she grabbed another blue folder and tossed it to Hunter. "Open it."

He flipped the first page and found the same pictures from the grey file placed in the blue folder. "These are the Waldorf pack wolves," he said.

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