Chapter 23: Confession

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Hailey worked around her kitchen keeping Hunter engaged in an easy conversation, so his attention would stay on her and not what he was battling in his head. He may not have shared what went through, but she was sure that it was tough. Hailey recognized the blank expression Hunter had when he looked at her. It was the same look her parents had when they would come back from work. She didn't know what they did for a living, but she did remember how they used to comfort each other.

Hailey was only a fourteen at the time, but she remembered how her dad or mom would come back from work with dead eyes, that looked like all the life had been sucked out. And whenever that happened her parents would distract each other with conversation or food. So, when Hunter appeared at her door, she knew how to handle him.

"Pass me the sprinkles," she held her hand out.

Hunter gazed at her hand for a moment. "Hmm?"

"The sprinkles," she repeated.

"Oh. What colour?" asked Hunter as he viewed all the canisters.

Hailey considered the vanilla birthday cake, that had rainbow funfetti inside the bread and white-chocolate ganache and decided; "Give me blue, pink and yellow."

"Here," Hunter passed her the three bottles.

Hailey poured the three different coloured sprinkles in a bowl beforehand. She then grabbed the thick whipped cream piping. Carefully, she turned the large square and outlined it with thick white frosting at the top and the bottom. "How does it look?" she asked Hunter.

"Looks delicious," he said kindly.

"Can you put the sprinkles?" she asked. "I need to prepare the pink frosting for the writing. And I need to look for candles-" Hunter didn't even hesitate before he grabbed the bowl and followed her example- "I swear I had some candles around here somewhere."

"Look on top of your fridge," suggested Hunter.

Hailey opened the top drawer and saw them sitting at the back. "How'd you know they were there?" she astonished.

Hunter was surprised himself. "Wild guess."

Hailey put them on the side so she could take them tomorrow. "It's coming together nicely," she pointed out after she saw the rainbow sprinkles surround the square. Hailey grabbed the extra whipped cream and put pink food colouring in the cream. The bubble pink popped cutely on the white frosting as she wrote 'happy birthday' in cursive. The kids were going to love it and so were the staff members.

Hunter took a moment to observe his contribution to the cake. "It does look really nice," he said. "We make a good team."

Hailey chuckled. "It's because I'm a great leader," she said proudly.

"I think it's because I'm a natural at this," remarked Hunter.

Hailey patted his shoulder that was held back proudly. "You make a great side-kick," she jested. "Whenever I need someone to put sprinkles on my cake, I'll call you." Hunter sharply put the bowl down surprising Hailey. He closed the space between them. Her back hit the counter telling her there was nowhere to escape. The kitchen around her felt really small when Hunter blocked her view of everything with his body.

Hunter laid his lips gently against the side of her mouth. "You smell of cream and sugar," he growled, "so fucking tempting."

Hailey secretly dipped her finger in the whipped cream bowl. And Hunter had no idea when she brought her finger to his lips. Hailey mischievously wiped the frosting on his mouth. "You've got a little bit of cream on your lip," she mocked without holding her laughter back.

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