Chapter 19: Catch Me

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Hunter didn't make a sound when he got off the chair and left Hailey alone in his bedroom. The pain medication put her to deep sleep, so he was sure that she wouldn't notice him leaving her side. Although, the last thing he wanted to do was leave his mate's side when she needed him the most, but he had to talk to Gabriel about their father. Hunter purposely waited to talk to his brother about Robert after Hailey fell asleep. He didn't want to upset her even more by bring the man who pushed her down the stairs up in front of her again.

"Where's Gabriel?" he asked the gang that was in the kitchen.

"He's in his room," Viola answered back.

Hunter nodded. "And keep it down. Hailey's asleep upstairs," he scolded them before he went back up the stairs and entered Gabriel's room.

His brother was sitting on the chair alone with River who was watching the view outside of the long windows. He closed the door behind him, so the others wouldn't hear their discussion that he was sure would dampen their moods too.

"Where did you send Robert?" he asked Gabriel.

Gabriel's jaw locked and his stern gaze lifted. "To the family farm house," he said.

Hunter tilted his head. "How'd you even convince that man so easily to leave?"

"Does it look like I gave him a choice?" gritted out Gabriel. His feral gold eyes were burning bright. Hunter could feel the tension emitting from his brother.

"He seriously did cross a line," added River. "But, I don't want him retaliating against you because of this."

Hunter clenched his teeth together. "He wouldn't dare," he bit out.

River scoffed. "We all know what Robert's like," he remarked. "I wouldn't even be surprised if he walks right back in here."

Hunter and his wolf both growled. "If he shows me his face, I swear I'll rip it off," he snapped.

Gabriel crossed his arms. "He knows damn well what'll happen if he comes my house."

River put his hands in his pockets. "I'm glad that bastard's out of your lives," he said earnestly. "He really tortured the fuck out of you all." They all laughed because they knew that there was nothing truer than that fact.

"Did you talk to Klaus?" Hunter asked Gabriel.

The little bit of joy on Gabriel's face fell away. "Yeah," he said. "Klaus is in pretty bad shape over all this."

"What are we going to do?" asked Hunter.

Gabriel raked his tousled hair like he was trying to take out all of his frustration out on his hair. "What can I do?" he asked them. "He blames himself for what happened to Hailey and mom."

"Robert got to him bad," remarked River grimly.

"It's my fault," grumbled Gabriel. "I should've protected him from Robert."

"You did," Hunter spoke up because he couldn't watch Gabriel take the blame for what they all fucked up on. "And now, he's finally gone from our lives."

Gabriel unbuttoned the cufflinks on his sleeves and rolled them up to show his strong forearms. "I know what happened to Hailey was cruel," he said, "however, I can't help but think that this incident was a blessing in disguise."

"My blessing is sleeping upstairs in my bed," mumbled Hunter.

Gabriel's lips lifted. "She almost died for one of us," he said. "I have to give it to her, she's got guts."

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