Chapter 12: Not Afraid Anymore

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A black beast emerged from the behind the dark trees with ferocious gold eyes. He was massive and roped with muscle, his canine teeth were long, sharp and as pale as moonlight. Danger surrounded this wolf without question and his power resonated through the air that she could feel his strength crawl over her skin.

The fiery red wolf that had sterling silver eyes with the slightest hint of crystal blue was enthralled and captivated. The magical night grew thick with the need between the two wolves that had crossed paths after learning that they belonged together.

Hailey sensed the change in her wolf. The independent free-spirited wolf that was always on a singular path found someone to call hers. Never had that happened before, she was enchanted by the pure fact that her mate stood so close although life had taken everything from her. Hailey's wolf prowled around the open terrain and questioned what the black beast would do. Would he just watch or feel challenged? she wondered. And her prediction was proven correct when Hunter's wolf stood tall and grew alert. The black wolf tilted his head and dared her to challenge him. It was so like Hunter to behave with that dominance and poise. But Hailey's wolf wasn't one to back down either, she growled and took off through the trees with the black wolf hot on her tails.

Hailey and her wolf had a deep bond that not many had with their wolf. Hailey and her wolf protected each other since birth, they never turned on each other and they always made sure that the other was safe. Hailey's wolf was the one that saved them from the car crash that killed her parents, she had crawled away before the car exploded into flames. So, when Hunter's wolf chased them through the woods, she wasn't afraid at all because Hailey knew her wolf was fast enough to escape if she needed to, and her wolf could hide in shadows like they always had when they needed to disappear. But Hunter or his wolf wasn't someone that they could just shake off, he was fast and dangerous when he hunted after her. His harsh breath slithered down her back and Hailey could feel her wolf transfixed by his strength because she was too.

Hailey sat back as her wolf enjoyed the run under the moon. Hunter's wolf didn't shy away or keep his distance. He run up from behind her after she had slowed down and slammed into her body. They sprawled onto the soft soil and he held her down with his strong paws. He challenged her by collaring her neck with his jaw, he playfully bit down but her wolf pushed him off before he could mark her. Hailey laughed and her wolf was also quite amused that Hunter's wolf tested them.

Isn't he a playful one.

I wouldn't exactly call him playful. Hailey talked to her wolf who was watching Hunter's wolf. So much has happened and I haven't even asked you how you feel about all of this.

Her wolf was smug. It doesn't matter to me as long as you're happy.

It does matter. He's your mate too.

He's strong, I like that. But I don't want him overpowering you.

Hailey smiled. You wouldn't let him do that.

Her wolf sneered at Hunter's wolf. I wouldn't let anyone do that to you, Hailey. But I have a feeling these two aren't going to leave us just because we won't follow their orders.

Hailey agreed with her wolf's observation.

Hunter's wolf padded towards her and they finally gave up fighting it out on the plain field. They walked along the path near the lake, the scent of fresh water and night air swarmed them like a glove. Hailey's wolf loved the coolness of the water as she stepped into the lake, the water engulfed her paws and she drank until she was satisfied.

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