Chapter 32: God Save The King

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Hunter reached the underground parking where everyone had already gathered. River, Ryder, Vincent were geared up for mission, and Azura was with her team who were deployed to keep their eye on Lucas. Hunter was dressed in a dark shirt and combat pants with heavy boots; everything on his body would help him to be a better fighter. Daggers and guns were strapped to his body and hidden from plain sight.

"What's the situation look like?" he asked River.

"Azura and her squad followed Lucas to a remote warehouse," he answered. "Lucas looks like he's preparing to meet someone there."

Hunter crossed his arms. "Meet who?"

"We'll know once we get there," said Gabriel who had arrived last and looked as dangerous as the devil himself. "Is Azura in position?"

"Yes," said River. "She's got eyes on the whole scene."

"Good," Gabriel rolled his shoulder. "It's been a while since we got into a fight like this."

"I thought the plan was to not engage?" asked Vincent who was idly leaning on the black convertible.

Gabriel smirked. "Hell's going to break loose in that warehouse, Vince," he forewarned. "You better have your big boy shoes on?"

Vincent rolled his eyes. "Damn, and here I thought we'd figure this all out like civil wolves." Vincent opened the door to the convertible with sigh.

Ryder chuckled excitedly. "Finally, I get to fight those assholes."

Vincent paired with Ryder and Hunter got in his own car. Gabriel was with River and they always got into his car together. The gates of the parking-lot opened revealing an upward hill into the dark night sky. Ignitions of their car roared alive and one by one they sped ahead to the warehouse. In brief twenty minutes, they reached the outskirts of town to the river bay area. They all parked their cars in the shadows of alleys and patiently waited, like the predators they were since birth.

"Looks like you boys finally made it," said Azura through their Bluetooth ear-piece.

"What's going on in there, Azura?" Gabriel asked her.

"Still the same," she answered. "Lucas, his beta and some of his wolves are waiting for someone to arrive."

"Who could he be waiting for?" asked River.

"More importantly, for what?" questioned Vincent. "Lucas Waldorf isn't the type of man to wait in a warehouse for just anyone?"

"Isn't it obvious?" stated Hunter who was surveying the perimeter around his car. "Lucas is here to make a pact. Why else would he be here, so late at night?"

"Make a deal," repeated Ryder. "With who?"

"Someone's coming," warned Azura.

In front of their hidden convertibles, over a dozen black vans rolled in, and they stopped in front of the warehouse. Through the tinted windows, none of them could see who had arrived. But then the van's door opened and a brawny man in his late forties sauntered out the car. Dark hair that was going grey, deep grey eyes and he fashioned sophisticated attire, despite looking nothing more than a thug in Valentino suit. The man was followed by legions of men into the warehouse.

"Anyone want to tell me who that old geezer is?" asked Vincent.

"That's Milo Schwarz," informed River. "And his son and beta Raleigh Schwarz."

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