Chapter 17: Together

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Hailey wandered around Hunter's bedroom but there wasn't much to see. There was a massive bed which sat in the middle of the room and it faced a small couch and a flat-screen TV. Although, a few photo frames sat on the side table, she couldn't help herself when she curiously lifted the first one; it was a photo from when Hunter and his siblings were all kids. They were all wearing uniforms so they must still be in high school. Hailey smiled when she recognized all the faces- Hunter still glowered and Vincent and Viola had matching smiles. Klaus was timidly standing next to Gabriel and the Drakov twins were huddled around their young alpha and his baby brother.

They were all still like this now, nothing changed expect that they were fully trained wolves fit for combat. Hailey changed frames and lifted the smaller round-shaped one; it was a beautiful portrait of a young woman holding a baby. She had bright blonde hair and emerald green eyes that flattered her sweet smile, but she looked terribly pale. This woman's resemblance to Viola and Klaus was uncanny- Hailey figured that this was the famous Rose Centauri. She had heard a lot about her but didn't have the opportunity to meet her personally. However, it didn't feel like that to Hailey. The pack never let anyone forget Alpha-female Rose Centauri who was the heart and soul of this pack before Gabriel.

As Hailey lost herself in those compassionate and strong eyes, it felt like she knew this woman for years. Hailey looked down to the infant Rose held so closely, the new born baby was asleep in his mother's arms. Hailey guessed that it was Klaus in Rose's arms because Rose looked sick and she was still in hospital clothes. This must have been so hard on the family, Hailey knew all about losing a parent in a blink of an eye.

Hailey couldn't help but smile down at baby Klaus, he was just so cute and had the chubbiest cheeks. He looked healthy and strong, which was probably the reason Rose looked even more happy in the photo. She was glad that her baby was born healthy, it reassured her before she passed away after labour.

Hailey put the frame down where she found it when she heard shouting outside the door. She wasn't going to eavesdrop, but then, she heard Klaus's name and she couldn't help herself. She crept over to the door like a mouse and opened the door. A sliver of the door opened for her to see outside, she found Robert Centauri and Klaus standing near the top of the staircase. She focused her attention on them and heard the words they exchanged.

"Didn't I say not to show me your face," spat Robert. "It makes me sick."

Klaus's green eyes were blank. No anger, no sadness exhibited through those bottomless green pits. This wasn't the side of Klaus Hailey was used to seeing at school. He was usually so bright, free and relaxed around the kids and teachers.

Robert's bitter eyes glared at Klaus. "Enjoying this life, are you?" he asked and a chill crawled down Hailey's back. "You shouldn't enjoy something you stole."

What's his fucking problem? Hailey's wolf spoke with austere rage.

I don't know, but you need to relax. Hailey told her wolf to calm down because it wasn't going to do them any good with her raging inside of Hailey. Her wolf growled and clawed inside of Hailey but complied and stayed calm as much as she could manage.

"You stole her life," sneered Robert, "and now, you're here and she's not."

Hailey felt sick to her stomach by the sight in front of her eyes. She waited for Klaus to say something back to stop his father, but he didn't. He stood there, alone and empty. Hailey didn't like that at all, not one bit.

"I should've-"

"I think that's enough, Mr. Centauri," she stepped out the room and joined them on the stairs.

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