Chapter 6: Bittersweet

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-Hunter's POV-

It was an understatement to say that Hunter was just in a bad mood, he was furious over what happened today with Hailey. A man was inside her house, even worse her bedroom and she didn't have the slightest worry about it. Hunter would've done something really bad if the man wasn't Daniel Callahan, he worked as a guard patrol at the gates of their property. Hunter was mindful that Daniel wasn't into girls, so when he saw that the man inside Hailey's house was none other than Daniel, he didn't panic as much as he would have if it was someone else. As much as Hunter didn't like to admit it, he was protective of what's his; he didn't like it but he couldn't help it either.

Hunter was at his limit, he didn't know how long he could go one with Hailey being completely oblivious to their bond. He was going to take it slow and court her like a gentleman should, but now he had his doubts with that plan. Hailey had to be told, otherwise the next guy that comes around her might not get off so easily.

All that aside, there was another pressing matter to solve.

Hunter climbed the fleet of stairs towards his bedroom and ran straight in the bathroom for a shower. It didn't take him long to freshen up and change into a Valentino suit that was kindly ironed by Cedric, which was usually not his choice of attire. However, Gabriel finally had the last summit with Waldorf pack for the peace treaty to be officially signed and sealed. It was Hunter's duty as beta to be by his alpha's side for this occasion, and Hunter wouldn't miss it for the world because this treaty warranted his pack's safety.

"Hunter, let's go already!" Vincent shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

Hunter rolled his eyes at his brother's imposing remark, he grabbed his cell phone before they all gathered at the foyer.

"Damn," Vincent's eyes examined his brother, "I always forget how nice you clean up," he remarked mockingly, he was already dressed to excellence with a sterling grey Armani suit.

Gabriel appeared from the kitchen on time with his own suit polished and primed, and the gold glint of the Centauri ring screamed his authority. "Ready?"

"Whenever you are," said Hunter.

They were just about to leave, when the wide front door opened, and Viola strutted inside with a hot pink box in her hands, she acknowledged them with a smile and then strode off into the kitchen. They all spotted Klaus not too far behind with a delicious chocolate-swirl cupcake in his hand, it wasn't a second later that they all followed their sister to the kitchen.

Viola already grabbed the napkins from the drawer and laid them out to use, but they all knew they weren't going to do that. She opened the box and the scent of sugar and cream wafted around the room.

"When did you buy these?" asked Vincent before he grabbed the red velvet with vanilla icing cupcake.

"I didn't," said Viola as she bit into her own rainbow confetti cupcake.

Gabriel shoved passed Hunter and snatched the last chocolate one. "These look delicious," he said without even grabbing a napkin; they all shared a sweet tooth even their wolves.

Hunter reached for the simple vanilla and devoured the scrumptious taste of sweetened bread and buttercream.

Klaus sauntered in with a beaming smile. "Aren't they good?"

They hummed at the remarkable cupcake taste.

"Thanks for the treat, Viola," said Vincent.

"Don't thank me," revealed Viola. "Hailey made them for us,"

Hunter choked on his last bite. "What," he coughed.

Viola snickered. "She made us cupcakes," she repeated and it annoyed the hell out of him that she left other details out.

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