Chapter 16: Only You

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"Why the hell are you two following me?" Hunter growled.

"Because River doesn't want you going alone," answered Ryder.

Hunter rubbed the ache growing in his head. "Goddamn it," he grumbled harshly and reluctantly let Lupin and Ryder follow him.

"He's got a point though," said Lupin. "Bodyguards on a date seems a bit excessive."

Hunter gazed at Lupin. "Thank you."

"Besides, who would attack Bobby's restaurant?" asked Lupin. "No one would dare touch that place especially since everyone knows that it's under Gabriel's protection."

"Right," said Ryder as he crossed his arms across his muscular chest. "And are you two going to take responsibility if something happens to Hailey?" He asked as he glared at Hunter. "My brother assigned me to get you and Hailey back home safely. And you should already know that I don't fuck with my brother's orders."

Hunter sighed heavily and ushered them to hurry across the path so he could reach Hailey's home faster.

-Hailey's POV-

Although Hailey started three hours ago, she still stood in front of the mirror contemplating if she should wear the black heels or the nude ones with the midnight blue dress she decided with at the end. The dress had spaghetti straps and was a low neckline that exposed a lot of cleavage. She was shy about this option but she didn't have anything sexier than this or better for a date. The dark satin clung to her narrow waist and wide hips before it rested just below her knees. She liked the dress and felt comfortable but also very sexy, so it felt like the way to go. She dropped the nude pumps and went for the black strappy heels instead. Hailey curled her hair and rolled it into an extravagant bun, a few stubborn tendrils fell along her neck and face so she let them be because she didn't have that much time left before Hunter arrived.

Hailey sprayed some perfume and applied lip-gloss before she took one final accessing gaze over her appearance. Her eyes popped bluer with the dark smoky liner and light mascara. She straightened her dress and took a deep breath.

"Relax, it's just a date," she repeated the mantra to herself when her phone pinged alive with a message from Hunter telling her he's outside. Her stomach did a somersault and her knees slackened, she grabbed her clutch and tried not to fall down the stairs.

Hailey opened the front door and stumbled onto the porch. "Hi," she blurted out when she turned to find not one man but three. Hunter, Ryder and the muscular red head named Lupin were all standing on her porch in dark suits and surprised expressions.

"Wow," they all spoke at once.

A blush crept up her cheeks when she noticed them stare. She looked from each man and smiled. "I don't remember agreeing to go on a date with all of you," she said jokingly. Lupin and Ryder laughed. "Why is everyone here?" She asked Hunter as she viewed the others.

"They're our security detail," said Hunter and then he turned his gaze to Lupin and Ryder. "Can you give us a moment." Hunter wasn't asking them, in fact, he was demanding that they get off the porch and wait by the car.

"Are we going somewhere dangerous that we need security?" asked Hailey.

"No," he shook his head and stepped closer to her. "River's just being careful." Hunter circled his arms around her and tenderly pulled her against his rock-hard body.

"You look really nice," she complimented him.

Hunter chuckled against her ear. "I should be saying that," he whispered hotly. His arm tightened around her waist and he gazed into her eyes. "You look breath-taking."

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