Chapter 3: Feral

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-Hailey's POV-

Hailey awakened with a start.

She heard the distant sound of a car's engine roar alive and it drove further away. She was sure it was someone from the Centauri family; and that it would be Gabriel since he always left for work first.

Hailey rolled out of bed and got dressed for the day ahead of her. Today, she was taking her class on a hike around the Centauri property, it was a beautiful sunny day and it would be a lot more fun than being locked up in a classroom. Hailey wore more comfortable clothes than her usual attire and left for work.

The Centauri Institute was a massive building with multiple training grounds, a swimming pool, there was also a private school for all the minors in the pack to attend without leaving the territory. She also knew that Klaus Centauri trained the students and also taught a few general classes. It was an impressive establishment and Klaus proved to be a capable young man to run the Institute with Viola and Hunter. But for Hailey, she worked best with the small pups. Pack members that left the grounds for work would leave their kids at the facility under her care, she loved all the pups that came every day, and she could not wish for a better job.

"Good morning, Hailey," a familiar voice spoke behind Hailey. It was Viola.

"Good morning," answered Hailey.

Viola was a beautiful woman; she had sun-kissed blonde hair and beautiful emerald green eyes that turned a brilliant shade of jade under the sun rays, she had long limbs and a trained body that she seemed always at ease with the way she would walk around the building, she exuded confidence and dominance through every fibre of her body just like her brothers. She was constantly surrounded by her brothers, but she was never over-shadowed. All the eyes were on her when she stepped into a room with stilettos that could slay and a dress worth more than a house.

"Leon told me you're taking the pups on a hike," she said brightly.

"Yes, I am," said Hailey. "I thought it would be fun to show them the property."

"Would you mind if I joined you?" asked Viola. "It's my day off, but I'm bored and I need something to do."

"No, not at all," astonished Hailey. "You never need to ask."

Viola smiled with her perfect white teeth. "Come on," she put her arm around Hailey's shoulder. "Let's go get those rowdy pups."

-Hunter's POV-

Another night passed and Hunter got no sleep.

He didn't even bother turning on the lights in his dark and cold room that was pretty plain; a massive bed sat in the middle and it faced a small couch and flat-screen tv. A few photo frames sat on the side table and that was about it. Hunter didn't decorate his room like his siblings had. Hunter kept everything self-sufficient, he didn't need to fret over his room or keep it extra tidy, since he had to stay alert almost all the time. And at this moment, he was more alert than ever. All night he couldn't stop thinking of Hailey Swan. He read up on her and found out that she had lost her parents to a car accident before she graduated high school. She left for London to study psychology and art, she even topped her class and got through University with scholarships alone. Hunter was impressed and figured out why Viola didn't think twice before hiring Hailey. She was a bright young female who excelled in anything she did, Hunter felt pride but more than that, he felt a little sick. All Hunter could offer was the ghosts of his past and the body count of all his victims.

Annoyed and agitated, Hunter pulled on some shorts and a plain t-shirt. He opened the door to the balcony and his body was engulfed with crisp morning air. Hunter's was exhilarated to the heights that only the morning air could conjure, his blood pumped through his veins and his body was fired alive but his wolf seemed less interested. Hunter leaped off the balcony ledge and the sturdy ground caught his agile feet that withstood the fatal fall.

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