Chapter 8: Wolf and Moon

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Hailey had left the pups and Gabriel behind her, she sauntered deeper into the thick woods and many would get lost but she knew these paths very well. All the pack members were required to study the entire property for their own safety. So, as she walked down a few jaded trails and climbed a few boulders she expected to find Hunter immediately but that didn't happen.

"Where are you, Hunter Centauri?" She muttered only for the trees to hear.

Gabriel had purposely sent her because apparently the mating bond would be able to help Hailey track her mate. However, she didn't know a single thing about using her bond to track someone. Hailey wandered aimlessly and she couldn't help but feel worried because the last hint of light peeked up from the horizon and she was still alone in the woods. Although she knew this property pretty well, she was still slightly creeped out by the howl of the trees and the rustle of branches and bushes.

By the time Hailey reached the edge of the forest; the moon was high up in the sky basking its full glory, Hailey felt like a ton of bricks had dropped on her shoulders and her head started to pound like drums. Her trained legs grew sluggish and she couldn't continue further especially because she was famished, she slumped against a massive rock and dropped the bags on the ground. Hailey rolled her stiff shoulders and marvelled where Hunter had run off to so quickly. She pondered if he had returned back home, but Gabriel would have called her to let her know.

Hailey reluctantly pulled out the cookies she had packed earlier today and was grateful that she had. She opened the Tupperware box and got a whiff of sugar dough and melted chocolate- her favourite. Hailey grabbed a cookie and devoured the treat without a second thought.

"At least the cookies are good," she muttered.

Hailey was defeated and confused by the fact that she couldn't track a massive wolf who also happened to be her mate. Hailey untied the tight chignon that rested on the crown of her head and let the heavy mass fall free, instantly her headache lessened and she could think straight again.

The glimmering lake was being hit by pale moonlight when a few trees rustled with a harsh breeze that swept through the forest and took her by surprise. The strong wind howled through the night and tousled her hair, she quickly fixed her appearance and didn't even realize when something prowled behind her.

"Fuck," the profanity slipped from her mouth before she could stop it.

Hailey's back stiffened and she didn't even try to move because the last thing she wanted to do was scare a wolf and probably a hungry one. Her eyes could see the bright amber globes that were fierce and held in narrow slits; she could smell the strong scent of male dominance and the pure blood that only a Centauri can emit; her ears could hear the massive paws crushing leaves and branches. Hunter's wolf wasn't even trying to stay hidden behind the darkness of the trees. She could feel his presence more than she'd like to admit, her skin crawled with the deep scent of his wolf bonding with her own. Hailey's pulse quickened and she could feel it in her ears, she tried to remain calm because Hunter could probably smell her anxiousness from far away.

Hailey froze; she didn't understand why she was nervous, it was just the same Hunter she knew.

"Hey buddy," she jumped off the boulder and stood on the plain ground for him to approach her first. "Why don't you come on out," she offered but Hunter's wolf hadn't obliged, when she got a useful idea. "Alright then, I guess I have to finish all these cookies myself," she said teasingly because this trick always worked on even the stubbornest of pups. And like she had hoped, a massive wolf stalked out from the darkness in front of her.

"Hi," she welcomed him and although the wolf looked dangerously ferocious, she could see those kind amber eyes that only belonged to Hunter, so she wasn't entirely scared. "Want a cookie?" She teased and the wolf's scowl deepened enough to display those sharp canine teeth. "I'm guessing you do," she giggled and pulled out a cookie for him. She broke the dough in smaller chunks and plated them on her open palm, the wolf hesitated for a moment like all the pups do in her class before they lick away at her hand for another cookie. Hunter's wolf relaxed almost instantly and so did Hailey.

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