Chapter 13: Light and Dark

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Hunter's stretched on the bed and felt like he had been hit with a truck. Every muscle was sore and anytime he moved it ached with the sweet memory of mating with Hailey. He opened his eyes and noticed that the moon was still high up in the dark sky, he curiously looked at the neon red lights glowing in the dark letting him know that dawn wasn't close yet.

Hunter rolled onto his side and found Hailey sound asleep next to him and his heart jolted with captivation. He never expected to find his mate and be in her arms in such a short period of time. But it wasn't just the mating bond that tied Hunter to Hailey, she was a remarkable woman who had stolen his heart with her sweet smile and kind words. She calmed his wolf that was always on edge with the need to be released with the thirst of blood and slaughter. But when he was near Hailey, all of that disappeared expect the feeling of her next to him.

Hunter admired how the pale glint of the moon outlined the curves of her body. Her beautiful red hair laid across the pillows and it teased him to run his hands through the heavy mass. She had soft curves with creamy skin but was made of steel. Even after he took her for hours she let him play and explore her body. His hands still itched to touch her again, but he held himself back, not because Hailey didn't accept him, she had let him take her however he liked and she was always open to anything he wanted her to do. But she had collapsed from exhaustion and he knew her body needed to rest for a few hours if he was going to mate with her again.

Hunter's smile turned cold when his eyes landed on the brutal scar on the side of her stomach. He was aware of that she had been in the car accident which also killed her parents, but this scar looked devastating and it must have been so painful to bear. But here she was, sleeping soundly in his arms and looking content. Hunter envied her sheer will that helped her survive such an accident that cost Hailey her parents. She lived life with a smile and took care of others as her life purpose.

When Hunter lost his mother and he had lost a piece of himself. He was broken and it was only until Gabriel stopped his rampage that he got a handle on himself and his wolf. Still, he had to control his wolf for Gabriel by doing what he did best and that was killing whoever threatened his family.

Hunter realized how quiet his wolf had gotten around Hailey. His wolf didn't utter a sound and laid at the back of his conscious as they both rested beside their mate. Faster than he liked to admit, Hunter was getting used to this and that her scent was intertwined with his now. He ran his fingers across the mark he left on her lovely breasts and a deep sensation set into his heart left a heavy imprint. As he viewed his marks on Hailey's body he started to believe that she had left a mark on him too and it was on his heart.

Hailey's eyes fluttered open. "What time is it?" she asked because she had sensed that he was awake.

"Barely three o'clock," he answered softly.

"Is it odd that I'm hungry?" she inquired as she stretched her limbs.

Hunter chuckled. "No," he said. "We did use a lot of our strength all night." She naïvely blushed. It made Hunter smile that she was still shy around him even though the things they did a few hours ago were as hot as sin. "Why don't we take a bath and get a snack."

"That sounds lovely." Hailey pushed her silky hair that he loved running his fingers through. She got up from the bed and her hair flowed down her bare back, she picked up an elastic band off the side table and weaved her hair into a thick braid. He simply watched her move off the bed and put on a nightgown.

"There was no point in putting that back on," remarked Hunter with a grin.

Hailey moved around the bed and turned on the light of the bathroom. The white light cascaded over the dark floor and illuminated her figure through the fabric for Hunter's hungry eyes to devour. "Are you going to stare all night or are you going to join me?" she asked with a clever smile.

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