Chapter 26: Sweet & Wolf

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The crowd of people at the banquet had grown. Hailey had been beside Hunter as he joined Gabriel with greeting everyone. Whenever things would start to heat up between some of them, Vincent was always ready to lighten the mood. Hailey understood right away that without Vincent, Hunter would probably box someone's face if even the slightest disrespect was shown towards them.

"I need the restroom," she whispered to Hunter.

"Do you need me to come with you?" Hunter asked her sternly.

"I can find my way to the powder-room just fine, Hunter," she chuckled and went off.

Hailey navigated through the people. None of them paid any attention to her since they didn't recognize her, which Hailey was immensely grateful for. She didn't really like how people would just block Gabriel or Hunter from passing because they'd want a chance to talk to them. Although the boys handled it with finesse, she was sure they'd get annoyed at some point.

Hailey pushed the door to the restroom and thankfully it was empty. After she was done, she washed her hands and reached to fix her lipstick. Quickly, Hailey exited the restroom and made her way back, when she spotted the large display of desserts. She didn't even think twice before making her way over, when suddenly, something bumped into her legs.

A voice barked up at her; "watch where you're going!"

Hailey looked down to find a small kid who had knocked over. His fuming expression glared up at her with big blue eyes through his silky black hair. She knew right away that he was a transitioning wolf from his sweet, subtle scent that matched many of her students. Apart from his scowl, he was a cute kid and she wanted to squeeze his pouting cheeks, that still had some baby fat on them.

"Hi, I'm Hailey-" she bent down to him- "what's your name?"

The boy seemed caught off guard by her. "Er- Dimitri," he answered her.

Hailey grabbed a hold of his soft hand and got him to his feet. She dusted off the dirt on his prim suit, which was absolutely adorable on him. "Did you come here for some dessert?" she asked.

"I don't eat sweets," he crossed his arms and looked the other way, "because sweets are for kids."

Hailey bit back her laugh because this boy reminded her of Zander from her class. "Really, I like them though," she said. Hailey grabbed a small plate and put a big slice of triple-chocolate layer cake. She brought the plate down to the boy and his keen senses got a whiff of the deep cocoa. "Are you sure that you don't want any?" Hailey saw his stark blue eyes turn into mush in front of the delicious treat.

"I guess I can have one bite," he said as his eyes followed her cake and so did his hand.

Hailey chuckled. "I'll get you plate, Dimitri." She put a small slice for him, so he wouldn't get an upset stomach before dinner. "Here-" he grabbed the plate and fork without any hesitation.

Abruptly, a group of people returned from the garden at the back. Hailey moved swiftly, she grabbed Dimitri who got busy with his slice of cake. He didn't even realize that she had lifted him off the floor. Dimitri didn't seem to mind to be in her arms, so she didn't put him down until the crowd passed by them.

A young woman came running through the crowd with a striking lavender gown. She had an alarmed and furious expression on her face, which told Hailey that she was definitely a mother. But from her copper brown hair and jade green eyes, she didn't look anything like Dimitri.

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