Chapter 24: Red Kills

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It was a hectic day at the school for Hailey and she was exhausted by the end of it. But the birthday party went smoothly and that's all that mattered to her. Barely dragging her feet back to her home, sleep was floating in front of her eyes. She finally reached her cabin and opened the door to find it empty. Hunter must still be at work because usually he would've been back the same time as her. Without much heed, Hailey entered the house, when suddenly, someone appeared behind her towering over her small form.

She gasped and stepped back, which was a bad idea because she tripped on the single step and toppled over landing straight on her butt. "You scared the living daylights out of me!"

Hunter chuckled behind her. "Sorry," he helped her off the floor.

"How does a big guy like you get around without making a sound?" she rebuked. "You're as quiet as a mouse even though you're a wolf, Hunter Centauri."

Hunter swooped her off her tired feet and took her to the couch. "I said I was sorry," he tried to calm her down. "What's got you in so many knots?"

Hailey, in defeat, sank into his arms and laid her heavy head on his sturdy shoulder. "I'm just really tired." She didn't realize how much she needed this right now. She was sitting on Hunter's lap, completely at ease and safe. His cologne wrapped around her like a cocoon relaxing every tense muscle in her body. He naturally held her close to him and began taking off her heels. Her eyes closed as she let him take off her shoes, then untie the chignon on her head and unzip her tight dress.

"I had to ask you something," Hunter broke the comfortable silence first.

"Hmm," she was barely managing to stay awake to hear what he had to say.

"We got invited to a party," said Hunter.

"Whose party is it?" she asked.

"It's the gathering of all the wolf clans," he said. "Most of the packs will be going. Gabriel and all of us have been invited. So, I wanted to know if you'd join me?"

Hailey lifted her head. "Are you sure?" she asked him. "It seems kind of like an important event."

Hunter groaned. "It's a bore and goes on for hours," he complained. "I would very much like it, if you came and kept me sane through it all."

Hailey laughed. She rested her head back on his shoulder. "When is this party?" she asked him.

"The day after tomorrow," he told her.

Hailey abruptly lifted her head and almost tumbled off Hunter's lap, but he caught her before she did. "That soon! I don't have dress ready for such an occasion," she panicked.

"Relax, I can tell Viola to take you to shopping tomorrow," said Hunter.

Hailey took a deep breath trying to calm down. "You would do that?"

"Viola's a shopaholic," he alleged. "She'd be more than happy to take you."

Hailey nodded. "Okay," she was appeased. "That's sounds good."

Hunter got them on their feet and kissed her pouting lips. "How about I make some dinner, and then we can head to bed-" Hailey nodded, when suddenly, Hunter's grin turned a little wicked- "or we can take a shower together and then think about food later."

Hailey shook her head and made her way up the stairs with Hunter following her closely. "I don't know where you get all this energy from?" she astounded.

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