Welcome the waffles!

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Firestar: Hi everyone! Welcome to...
Blackstar: HOLD ON A SECOND! Why do you always start in any spoof book?
Leopardstar: Yeah! We wanna turn!
Firestar: 😶
Onestar: GIVE
Blackstar: US
Onestar: A
Leopardstar: taco! *turns into a Mexican cat with a sombrero and tiny moustache and maracas* da da da da da da da da da da da, da da da da da da da, da da da da da da da da da da da, da da da da da da da!
Firestar: *in a tiny mouse squeak* okay! you can do your intro! *runs off really fast*
Blackstar: YES! FINALLY! That loser will never eat a taco OR do an intro ever again!
Leopardstar: *dangling upside down* wanna taco?
Blackstar: no thanks, the magic shadow is allergic to cheese.
Cloudfall: heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee guys!
Blackstar: go away, Cloudfall, we're doing an INTRO HERE?
Cloudfall: I control this book, so you better respect meh!
Blackstar: Prove it then! *gets turned upside down and covered in custard* AGGH! I HATE CUSTARD!
Leopardstar: *licks the custard* WOW! Did you make me do that?
Cloudfall: yup.
Leopardstar: AWESOME! 8) your my new best friend!
Leopardstar: sweet mama! les go eat some taco! *walks off*
Cloudfall: *whistles, a massive cloud comes down and she jumps on* WOO HOO!
Blackstar: /)_-
Onestar: Ok, lets do our intro!

Waffles: I ❤ dem. (Warrior Cats Spoofs) OLD!Where stories live. Discover now