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Cloudfall: *purring loudly* I did it all by myself! I called them Spoonkit, Failkit, Hyperkit and Shinykit!
Spoonkit: *toddles up to Roseflight and rubs against her forelegs* Spoons!
Roseflight: Awwwww!
Failkit: *jumps off Cloudy's head and lands on his face* EPIC FAIL!
Hyperkit: HYPER HYPER HYPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shinykit: *looking at a wet rock* Shiny!
Spoonkit: *still cuddled up to Roseflight* spoon?
Roseflight: Spoon.
Shinykit: *cuddles up to Cloudfall* Mumeeeee, can I have a unicorn?
Cloudfall: Okay.
Shinykit: Can I have a shiny ring?
Cloudfall: Okay, sweetie!
Shinykit: Mumeeee, what is this large red flashing button beneath my paw?
Cloudfall: Press it.
Shinykit: Can I have a unicorn if I do?
Cloudfall: We'll go and buy one. Just press it.
Shinykit: *presses*
World: blows up.
Cloudy's kits: WE LOVE LIFE!

TWA goes to...


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