Spoonworld playing time! (spoonworld 4)

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Everycat in the ferraris: *big shiny eyes* woah.....
Cloudfall: *struggling to breathe*
Roseflight: *presses face against window*
Bluemoon: *licks window*
Hollyblaze: *turns into a potaytaytoe*
Fireblaze: *hugs spoon*
Kits: *pushing each other out of the way to try and see*
All: Spoonworld!!!!!
Shinykit: *crying* its so.... spooniful.....
Spoonkit: *hugs Shinykit* its just spoontastic!
Hyperkit: its better than Oreos...
Failkit: *staring at the Great Tower of Spoonworld* I really want to fall off that....
Ferraris: *slowly pull up*
Firestar: You can get out now.
All: *smash through windows* SPOONTIME!
Ticket cat: 6 'warrior currency' for a ticket.
Cloudfall: *looks in random purse that has appeared out of nowhere* uh... can I pay with waffles?
Ticket cat: Sure.
Cloudfall: *throws 10 waffles*
Gate: *opens*
All: *rush in screaming*
Cloudfall and Bluemoon: *go on Spoonacoaster* SPOOOOONS!
Kits: *go on the 'Kit Funtime Spoon Ride'* This ride is super lame.
Spoonkit: *screaming*
Shinykit: wait... where's Failkit?
Failkit: *jumps off Spoon Tower thingy* SPOONIC FAIL!
Hollyblaze: Spoonic? That sounds like some kind of disease.
Roseflight: *licks giant spoon* hmm... tastes like cardboard. What is cardboard, anyway?
Fireblaze: IDK. Hey, what does IDK mean?
Hollyblaze: I Don't Know. Or it could be Icecream Derpy Kit.
Icecream Derpy Kit: *smashes face into spoon*
Roseflight: Was that a spoon or a potaytaytoe?
Icecream Derpy Kit: IDK. *derps away*

A/N BTW, derp is a verp. And a noun. And an adjective. BTW stands for Balloon Twerpy Warrior.

TWA time! Today it goes to...
I have NO idea.

TWA stands for Totally Weird Apprentice.

-Cloudy, the waffle cat.


*derps away*

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