New Member!

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Firestar: Because Cloudfall isn't here, I will be welcoming our new member! *nods at the warriors den and a cat comes out*
???: Hi! Spoons.
Firestar: What's your name?
???: Roseflight. Spoons.
Firestar: What clan are you in?
Roseflight: WaffleClan.
Firestar: Um... okay....
Roseflight: I like spoons, spoons and spoons. Did I mention spoons?
Firestar: We know you like spoons, so how about what you dislike?
Roseflight: Tigerstar. And chicken. Chicken sucks.
Firestar: Well, you might want to get used to Tigerstar, because WaffleClan territory is right next to the dark forest.
Roseflight: Shoot. Ah well, at least I have my spoons!
Firestar: Cloudfall has a lot of spoons. You'd get on with her.
Roseflight: Where is she? I NEED TO SEE HER SPOONS!
Firestar: She's having kits at the minute, so in a couple of days, look out for something with it's eyes shut. That keeps yelling spaghetti at the top of it's voice.
Roseflight: Spaghetti's cool. At least it's not chicken.
Amulet: *comes bounding up, out of breath* CLOUDY'S HAD HER KITS!
A/N shoutout to Rosehrulez!
TWA goes to...
Cloudy's Random Rants by me! I'm out of ideas :p
Byza for now!
-Cloudy, the waffle cat.

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