Meeting of fire and ice - (Part 3)

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"Magic... Youkai... Creatures of myth and legend ... Angels and demons ... Juvia sighed, lowering her head. Her pale, wistful face was hidden by dark blue strands that had slipped from her shoulders, some of which fell almost to her collarbone and shoulder blades.

Juvia and Alice were sitting on a bench, watching people and cars pass by.

"People who are ordinary, who are born with a gift, do everything possible to rise to the top and become gods, believing that the end justifies the means. Pretty stupid, huh? sighing, she looked up at the sky. - "I mean, if someone like me were to become a God, humanity would probably be doomed."

Sitting next to her, an albino girl of her own age raised her eyebrows, obviously not expecting to hear something like that from her friend. I didn't expect her to say it out loud.

"I'm surprised. I didn't expect a child like you to say that, " she finally broke the silence with a confused expression on her face.

"It's a girl my age who thinks the same," Juvia said softly, swinging her legs. "Besides, I was joking." I don't think I could have been a goddess or anything.

— Why not? Isn't that the goal you're aiming for, Ju? You're childhood dream is to change people's opinions about himself and his family, and become the local superhero? With your forces most the. You only need will learn their to control, - confidently cast white, squeezing, dressed in blue glove, a small palm interlocutor.

"That's what the mercenary tells me."

"I hate your cold side."

"Thank you for your candor."

— I think it would be a shame if you stopped now and didn't go. This is not only an engagement, but also a great opportunity to pump well so. I'm sure Polyushka-san will help you, having said all of that, Alice was looking forward, as Juvia. There was a faint smile on her lips, one she rarely wore. — You after all itself told, that enough strong and you enough give mental order, to element of adopted the contestant or different form of, and fulfilled yours desire to. Plus, you can talk to spirits and youkai. Not every wizard can do something like that. As my mother would say — you have a natural talent and a great potential to become a powerful and legendary wizard.

Juvia gave a little laugh. A bitter smile curved her lips.

— Have you forgotten that I'm not just a wizard and it's not just a gift?" She raised her hand in front of her and carefully removed her glove. A tiny blue ball appeared in his palm. "Part of me. Like an arm, a leg, blood, an organ, or a soul. And, most importantly, why I was born this way. You a strong warrior and mage, but man, and I not quite. I don't see anything special or cool about it, " she sighed softly as she spoke, and her face took on a tired expression. "Plus, my sisters and brother are much stronger than I am. Besides, there are a lot of people in the world who are superior to me. Children of dragons, gods and other evil spirits. And since I hate everyone, I'd better stay out of it.

- You're so sweet, Ju, - Alice turned to her with a soft smile. From the outside it seemed that she was surrounded by a sparkling aura of affection.

- Eh? What nonsense is this?! I told you I hate everyone! - blue-hair cried, crawling to the very edge of the bench, covering her red face with her hands. — You, of course, an exception, but I hate it when you confuse me so!

— First of all, I like to get you emotional. It's good for you. Second, why exactly do you hate?

— What do you mean, why?" Loxar asked more quietly, pressing her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them.

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