Threads of fate

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"What is it? Juvia thought in surprise as she sat on the fence and watched the next scene. Natsu continued to train strikes and not paying attention on the, that is happening around him, except, wasn that, blue-haired girlfriends. Loxar, on the other hand, stared at the scene unfolding before her, a scene she had certainly never expected to see.

Luke stood in front of an equally surprised Alice, blushing and looking away in embarrassment. He tried to say something, but in his agitation he could not utter a word, betraying only a murmur. In his outstretched, trembling hands was the bouquet of daisies he had just given to the albino.

She looked from him to the flowers and back again, her scarlet eyes wide. It was not often that her face showed so much surprise and incomprehension, as well as interest.

— Why are you giving them to me?" Is it some kind of holiday? she arched a white eyebrow, tilting her head slightly to one side.

— No. Swallowing, Luke took in as much air as he could, exhaled, and spoke with almost no hesitation or embarrassed stutter. — I saw those flowers and thought they would look good with your hair."

"Is it ... such a false connection? Or was it ... a red thread?»

Alice silently, all with the same surprise in the eyes of red watched as he turned his back to her, the blonde doing something with a bouquet of white flowers. She tried several times to look behind him, unable to contain her curiosity, but he managed to keep her from peeping. Sighing, she waited for him to finish.

She raised her eyebrows again as she accepted his new gift, the Daisy wreath he had placed on her head. His cheeks were still red, but this time there was a happy, almost happy smile on his face, and his brown eyes sparkled, reflecting it like a mirror.

She hadn't expected what happened next. It was his face, too close to hers, his genuine smile and the happy gleam in his brown eyes. Unexpected and as sweet, as Juvia would have said, a gift that no one had ever given her. It at all no one nothing not gave, except best girlfriends and parents. Could this explain her heart, which had suddenly leaped, quickened its usual rhythm, and her once pale cheeks, which had become very hot?

— Readily. he pulled away from her, smiling broadly and glowing. — You are very handsome. Like I said, I wanted to give you a gift and I did. Moreover, it is a good way to make acquaintance and even friendship. His cheeks flushed again at the last words, and he looked down a little, his hand behind his head. But this time he didn't look as nervous as he had the first time they'd met.

"Is he of the race of angels? That would explain the light around him and my reaction to it. Alice thought, putting her hand to her heart, which was beating fast. "I suppose so. I've never seen an angel before, and it looks like he's the first one I've met. They are really pleasant companions and very nice people. He's cute. I would even say that I like him.»

— I don't mind being your friend." She said softly, looking at him with a faint smile. Her pale cheeks were still flushed.

- Really? I'm glad. Welcome to contact us, Juvia! Luke held out his hand, smiling brightly and happily. The wind lifted his Golden hair, which shimmered in the sun and was tied with a blue bandage around his forehead.

"An angel indeed. It will be interesting. Alice confidently held out her hand in response, squeezing his hand tightly. She could have sworn she felt a slight current and tingle in her palm. He, judging by his slightly skrivivshemusya surprised personified by, too,. "But it's nice, even if it's unexpected.»

As she watched, Juvia nearly fell backwards off the fence, catching her fingers on the rungs in time to regain her balance. She could have sworn she could see the red thread entangling their wrists, twining them together, without noticing her own, linking her to the hand of the hard-working Natsu.

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