A date that turned into a nightmare

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- Wow! The bells are ringing! — enthusiastically handed looks around Natsu, his mouth open and her eyes wide from that gripped his heart and soul, enthusiasm.

It wasn't snowing that night, so it wasn't so cold outside. For the eyes of teenagers opened incredibly beautiful, breathtaking spectacle. The night sky was dark blue and starry. The houses stretching toward him, their roofs covered with shining snow. The snow was everywhere — in the trees, the road, and few passers-by.

For a few seconds Natsu and Juvia, standing behind him, looked at him, he with delight and she with amazement. Sineglazka so often dwelt deep in his gloomy thoughts that almost didn't pay attention to the surrounding things. It seemed that she was only now able to see the world in all its glory, and yet not so long ago it was gray, gloomy and sad. It was hard for her to believe that in this terrible and cruel world there were such beautiful and pleasant things as, for example, the same stars that are now very rarely seen in the night sky. They were reflected in its the blue the eyes of, not allowing divert from themselves glance, than and exploited looking on it with dreamy and smile Natsu, cheeks which reddened under the form of so cozy and beautiful spectacle.

- "But she is still a child like me. Only if I could still see all this beauty and not despair, then she, unfortunately, could not. It's so sad. I just have to show her the bright side of this world, to finally see a smile on her usually gloomy and sad face.at this thought his face, at first sad, became resolute, and his gray eyes kindled with fire.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" he broke the silence softly, drawing her attention. Bluewax looked at him, listening to every word again, as if she were hypnotized. — I never imagined it could be so bright on a snowy night." You don't see that often, do you, Juvia? he turned with a smile to his silent companion, whose slender fingers clutched the scarf at her shoulders. — It was definitely worth going out for, don't you think?"

— I have to agree, " she said softly, looking away awkwardly. She remembered their conversation again, first in front of the television and then in front of the door separating them. Her pale cheekbones were pink. His blue eyes are lowered to the iridescent snow. — It's just the light reflecting off the snow." But still...

She looked up at him timidly, her eyes full of excitement and uncertainty. Her hands cupped her narrow shoulders, making it clear she was nervous. The boy in silence, with a question in his eyes looked at her, showing that listens.

She looked away, her eyes dark with regret. "I'm trouble."

He shrugged and smiled, then took a couple of steps toward her and patted her head, still smiling warmly and encouragingly. She flinched, not so much at the unexpected touch as at the carelessness in his voice and words.

— What do you mean, come on?"! Juvia protested, removing his hand from the top of her head, which had already made a creative mess of her blue locks. She puffed out her cheeks, frowning at the smiling boy, straightening her hair with both hands, feeling herself blush again. All this was so unusual and strange, but at the same time pleasant. — Why are you so carefree?" Seems, precisely Pro such as you say, that their the glass half is full, - edges muttered she, all also pouting and is angry with despite him, retreating the in one side, then in another, thereby dodging his another attempts dishevel its hair. It was too new and embarrassing for her.

— "And fainted to fall on the end of it all. I certainly do. Too much embarrassment in one night!"thought of Juvia, covering his red cheeks with his hands, and that caused even more laughter and bright smiles from Natsu.

— You wanted to go, so you left the house — " he explained calmly, as a matter of course.

Blue-hair looked down awkwardly at her pointing fingers. "You could say that."

Frozen heart - (Fairy Tail-Natsu x Juvia-Love story)Where stories live. Discover now