Fatal night - (Part 2)

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"Actually, no one was afraid of werewolves back then. So sure were we of the safety of our house, and of its protector and leader. Then we regretted it very much.»

Naomi tensed and turned toward the distant fence, where she could hear the high-pitched howl of a wolf. As if she didn't want to go to Ignio and help him, she knew that she would fail and would only bring trouble. The ban on magic made them vulnerable, and they weren't prepared to face that kind of thing. All she could do was stand by the tree near the barn entrance, making sure none of the night monsters got in. She wrapped her arms around her shoulders, digging her nails into her skin.

How she hated her role and the fate of the watcher, and the power. Intervene or not, the outcome is the same, only with far more terrible consequences.

One night, while we were celebrating the arrival of a new girl, Alice white, trouble happened.»


On the threshold, wet in the light of the lightning flashing behind him, stood Ignil, clutching his guitar and frowning at the red-haired man. In his eyes kindled a flame.

— Igneel... — he said quietly, fearfully sacculi, but, with a glance at his victim, once again smirked. - How are you? Sorry I didn't say hello, didn't notice.

— Let the boy go, Dag, — told him Igneel.

— Of course, Igneel. As you please. We decided to go after their lovely sister, and that's all, — he approached wrapped in a blanket AKEMI arm around her shoulders and hugged her. — You know me, I'm a ladykiller, and I love their sweet blood and soul. The situation, incidentally, you have the unenviable, Igneel. Let's see who's who.

He stepped between his companions, facing the man. They walked slowly toward him on four legs, snarling and Baring their teeth.

— We're strong in numbers, and you're strong in magic that you can't use anyway. —  he pointed a clawed finger at him.

Igneel silently began to play the guitar.

The werewolves approached him slowly. Several of them leaped and immediately came across a block in the shape of his fist. He took the wet dirt from his pants pocket and threw it at the faces of his opponents, causing them to shake their heads, trying to get it out of their eyes. Igneel grinned. Even without magic and in human the body he was very strong.

He stamped with all his might and a few weak boards stood on end, throwing up several opponents. He hit a couple more with his guitar, as if she were a bat and they were a ball. With another wave, and almost clinging to the face of teeth brown wolf flies in with a painful shriek flies off to the side.

Watching all this, Dag frowned and got down on all fours, his lean body instantly covered with large muscles and dark red fur, his face stretched out to become a toothy snout, and his arms and legs took the form of powerful, clawed paws.

The following two werewolves still managed to jump on the chest and back Ignia. He immediately unhooked and threw aside one, letting go of the guitar, and, turning his back, tried to unhook the second.

Dag abruptly leapt from his seat and grabbed the man's back, knocking him to the ground. The other werewolves leaped after him.


 - Cool! Great! And-ha! - Ao shouted enthusiastically and leapt off the stage into the crowd, which immediately carried him towards the bar.

— I want to, too! -  shouted Natsu with a crazy smile and a glance, jumped into the crowd. They all cried out in fright and scattered, causing him to fall to the floor.

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