Acquaintance of fire and ice - (Part 4)

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"What the...?" Natsu propped himself up on his elbows, staring with equal horror at the creature before their eyes. They sat in the snow, with horror looking at the towering creature above them. Huge, with gray, covered with thorns skin, long and clawed legs, elongated toothy muzzle and horns. His red eyes, crossed by a narrow pupil, reflected their tiny, huddled figures, from which emanated a large amount of red and blue aura.

— De...mon... - trembling voice whispered Natsu, not taking with him glance.

I told you so... — the girl's fingers clenched into fists, blue eyes looked apologetically at the guy. — That's why... I told you to leave."

"What...? How... How can that be?! Where did he come from?! Is that what my brother said?!"— Natsu sat on the ground, with horror, despite the existence of a monster in front of them. He looked at Juvia and saw her guilty and frightened face, and her empty, despairing eyes. She wrapped her arms around his forearm, her fingers tightly clenched, her gaze fixed on the monster that only they seemed to see. "Is that why she told me to leave?»

The monster let out a deafening, terrifying roar, opening its toothy mouth wide, which made them shudder at the same time. Reflexively, he hugged her to him, wrapping his arms around her slender shoulders and covering her with his body. He tried to think of something, but the shock and horror of it left him unable to do much. Natsu only heard about demons, but never rebuffed with them in living.

"Oh, shit! he screamed in his mind as a long, clawed paw of incredible size moved toward them. He barely managed to roll to the side with Juvia before the paw passed them in an attempt to grab them. All she managed to do was destroy one of the shops, sending shards of glass and merchandise glistening in the sun across the snow.

"Run!" "what's that?" he shouted, scooping her up in his arms and running away. Juvia stared at him in silence for a few seconds, her eyes wide and full of wonder, and filled with guilt again as she lowered them, her fingers clutching his jacket. "Don't be afraid. Everything will be fine! — what's that? " he shouted, choking so she could hear him over the roar. The demon ran after them, shaking the ground and destroying everything in its path. Other people couldn't see or feel him, and he had no intention of attacking anyone but the couple running ahead of him. In the eyes of surrounding this looked so: pink-haired the kid neck that there is on snowy the street, tossed on the hands of blue-haired young girl, with they scared is unknown than. So passers-by paid little attention to them or tried to do so, instead continuing on with their own Affairs, much less trying to ignore his cries.

— A-Ah! Help! SOS! "it carried down the street until it was empty. Natsu y dodged the clawed paws of the demon running after them, mentally rejoicing that he had gone to Ignil's physical training. Because he had Juvia on his hands, he couldn't use magic, but he wasn't going to throw it, so he just ran forward.

"It's always like that with me," she said suddenly, without looking up.

"What?" the boy looked at her questioningly. They managed to pull away a little and so she spoke.

— I have very many aura and she quite a strong. And here, in suitable conditions, it becomes even more. And the more it is and it is more powerful, the more it attracts this kind of evil. Especially demons. And if you add to that the darkness of his soul... softly she said, causing more and more surprise and incomprehension on her face rosborough boy. "Whenever I go outside, a demon appears. It only disappears after it hurts someone or kills someone, or until it drains most of my aura. So I try to stay at home.

"What?"! So you can't control it?! Natsu cried out in shock, to which she nodded silently. When he heard the crash and rattle of glass behind him, he jumped, and, slipping his feet through the snow, accelerated and ran on.

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