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In the middle of a snow field, with their backs to each other, stand a boy and a girl of twelve or thirteen. A cold wind blows the boy's pink hair and the girl's short blue hair framing her face. He's wearing a black jacket and pants, and she's wearing a white kimono. His gaze is determined, and she is thoughtful and sad. Their fingers intertwined with each other.

The boy and girl break off and run forward. His clenched fist is on fire, and her outstretched hands have a cold blue glow.

Everything around them, including themselves, turns gray. Only his eyes, red from the fire burning in them, and her eyes, blue as ice, remain colored.

Frozen heart 

Natsu falls to the ground, rolling on it. His face is dirty, as are his clothes, and his body is covered with bruises and abrasions. He stands up immediately, sword in hand. A scowling blond boy approaches him and silently points his blade at him.

Juvia does a few back flips and lands on one knee. He raises his gloved right hand in front of him and looks back uncertainly at his father, a young, adolescent — looking man with silver hair and blue eyes, who is watching the training. He nods, and then she takes off her glove and holds her hand out in front of her, freezing all opponents. At the same time, the pupils in her eyes are narrow.

A guy and a girl, who looks a little older, are watching this from the side. The guy has Golden hair and blue eyes. He frowns at Juvia, who is fighting against the dolls, with her arms crossed over her chest, while the girl standing next to him smiles with her fingers crossed. She has pink hair in a braid and a kimono with a sakura pattern.


Luke runs down the road, calling out the area around him with a startled cry. There are tears of fear and panic in his brown eyes. Behind him runs a horned dark monster, flashing scarlet eyes and opening its toothy mouth.

The blond man runs back and forth, running away from the pursuing monster. Natsu and Juvia are standing nearby, holding hands and watching their friend run back and forth with a surprised look. Suddenly the body of the monster is pierced by an arrow and it disappears, and crying and trembling with fear, Luke jumps into the arms of his savior — Alice White. She has white hair pinned back with a red ribbon, red eyes, and a short black-and-red kimono with boots.

A battered but happy foursome returns home, served by a small village where children and teenagers of all ages and genders live.

Natsu argues with Gray, they are both surrounded by red and blue auras, Luke blushes and tries to resist when Mira with a sly smile pushes him in the back to Alice, to which she inclines her head uncomprehendingly. Juvia is surrounded by her younger brother and sisters, asking questions, which she smiles sheepishly, then looks away from the empty blue eyes, plunging into memories.

A small blue-eyed girl of about ten years old walks by the hand with her mother smiling at her to the family meeting them on the threshold of the house. The girl is wearing a blue dress and boots, and her blue hair is tied in a long braid with a ribbon.

But then both mother and family disappear, hidden by a bloody background, it begins to snow, and the girl herself changes. She is getting older, and her long blue hair is falling down her back and down to her waist. She is wearing a black dress, over which is a cloak with a hood thrown over her head. Juvia turns slowly, the pupils of her eyes like a cat's, and the strands of hair that come out of her hood flutter in the wind. His hands are covered with blue gloves, and his left eye and cheek are now crossed by a scar. In her blue, narrow-pupil eyes, sadness and fear.

Natsu and Juvia stand back-to-back, both with resolute grey and blue eyes. They simultaneously turn to the demons and other monsters of darkness that stand in their way. After exchanging glances and nodding to each other, they rush to the attack.

Natsu jumps up and deals blow after blow with the fire-covered sword, destroying them one by one. Juvia flashes by his side every now and then, freezing everyone who gets in her way, and even tearing some of them apart with her claws or kicking them, preventing them from getting close to Natsu.

Four friends and teammates stand in a circle, looking around and preparing to fight. Natsu has a fire sword in her hands, Juvia holds her clawed hands in front of her with ice magic glowing in them, her blue, cat-like eyes burning in the surrounding darkness. Alice pulls the bow, narrowing her scarlet eyes, and immediately looks in surprise at Luke, who jumped up and screamed in fear, waving his hand with panic on his face and in his eyes, trying to ward off the evil spirits.

The team begins the battle. Julia leaps high into the air, hovering against the moon, and swings the ice blade.

Alice releases arrow after arrow, each of which destroys the attacking monsters. A Hatch jumps out in front of her and, closing it behind her, pulls a whip from his belt and hits his opponents with it.

Natsu runs, swinging his sword. Next to it, a dragon created from fire flies, repeating its movements.

The forest is illuminated by the rays of the sun rising from the horizon, which the four friends look at with a smile. Two of them, Natsu and Juvia, hold out their hands to each other. His big and battered, hers small and pale, and they hold each other tightly with their fingers. The camera rises sharply to the clear blue sky.

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