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The beach was not far from the village and was of medium size. Most of it is sand, and so to the shore, where the sea begins. But on the sides of it are large pieces of grass, where palm trees with coconuts also grow.

On another such piece of land there is a small wooden house where you can relax, sleep, or even spend the night.

There is a long jetty at the edge of the river that leads to a ship that has been left by one of the wizards who visited the village.

"So they did catch him. Eveleth... a Man who can be called a really bad guy. Alice thought, sitting on the porch of the wooden house, her eyes closed,her arms crossed.

A light sea breeze fluttered the hem of her long white dress, revealing her ankles and bare feet, and the white strands that framed her face, while the rest were gathered at the back of her head in a bun of scarlet ribbon.

— If he's not a wizard, he's probably a master of eloquence. People like him can make their way anywhere with words. If someone falls under the hypnosis of his words ... it's scary to imagine what kind of trouble this person might have. I hope that Juvia and her friends understand this and will stay away from him. Alice thought grimly, and looked at Natsu and Juvia running along the beach.

AO immediately fell behind, for he walked slowly with his eyes on the ground.

"What's wrong with him?she arched an eyebrow at him in surprise. "It's not like him at all. Don't tell me that... Oh, no. I thought so.»

Getting up and putting on her sandals, she walked toward the boy at a brisk pace. Coming from behind, she grabbed his shoulder and turned him around. The scarlet eyes widened at the sight of the boy's empty dark blue eyes.

- Hey! AO! Wake up! she took him by the shoulders and shook him. - Hey! she waved her hand, snapped her fingers, zero reaction. — Damn. You're coming with me, mister, " she said, grabbing his arm and walking back to the cabin. — And you'd better explain what you and your sister are getting into again!"


— You know, being a child isn't so bad. I would even say, very well. Everyone's childhood is different. Mine was ... so-so. Before my mother died, I would have called it relatively good. Yes, there were difficulties in the form of bullying from other children, loneliness due to lack of friends, but... I had loving parents. The sisters and brother I grew up with and played with. We were a mountain for each other.

And then there was the dragneel family. They were close friends of our family. Like another family. I don't remember the head of their family, Natsuki, very well, but I know that He was a kind man with a warm smile and tender eyes. I think it had two sides of fire — the one that warms and protects the people sitting next to it, and burns those who dare to hurt them.

Natsu's mother looks like my mother, and not just in the color of her eyes. If my parents needed to go somewhere, they would bring me to visit the Dragnils, and Kyo-San would take care of me as if I were another daughter. I am still amazed by the number of children in their family and how they behave, given the fact that the head of the family died a few years ago, leaving them alone. So Natsu started working from an early age so that they would have at least some money, as well as learning the family craft-fire magic, so that later he could earn even more.

Natsu is fun and cozy. I don't know how, but he almost always manages to make me smile or laugh. At the same time, he often makes me worry, because I then swear at him, but I can not be angry with him for a long time, since he also often worries about me.

When we do something together, get into another crazy adventure, play, as, for example, now, like ordinary teenagers, I feel happy and at the same time... a little sad. I am always haunted by the fear of losing these moments... this happiness... as I once lost my mother. The incident when he almost died in front of me does not go out of my head. And I'm very scared.

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