Acquaintance of fire and ice - (Part 2)

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Light and darkness. Good and evil. Yin and Yang. Angels and demons. These opposites have existed since the birth of worlds and universes. Demons are one of them. You say that earlier when you were good and bright, they were a part of it, bearing the proud name of "angel". However, something went wrong and they fell into darkness, becoming her personification.

The first image that comes at the word "demon" is a terrible, living in Hell monster that hunts for the human soul, fueled by the darkness in the hearts of people. This is partly true, but not entirely true.

Demons accented different, ranging from dire, living one only thirst for creatures, and until well reasonable, capable to live among people, powerful creatures. They are the same monsters that are beautiful both in human and in their true form, but only among relatives. Real children of darkness.

In addition to the usual creatures, there are also entire Royal families and clans that have occurred not only from the darkness, but also from other elements or negative human emotions.

They rule this or that part of Hell, having the distinctive signs and abilities. For example, fire and ice. Most of them came to earth, living among people, skillfully adjusting to them and their lives.

But not all of them live only by thirst. By Contracting with people or by their own will, they live among them, marry, form families, and unite clans. They are not the only beings who have decided to settle among people and start a new life, but the most common.

It is a pity only, that as would they not tried, to suppress darkness within themselves until the end of they not can, from-for what the thirst for blood and human souls time from time gives about itself know, so as they initially breeds darkness, wickedness of and hatred.


"Why him? Why do you need this child's soul?! Why?!"- Juvia that there is strength beats in the chest, to the blood bites his lip, holding back the urge to scream. The second hand is squeezed so hard that the nails dig into the skin of the palm through the fabric of the glove, but without causing much harm, since any wounds on her body, especially small ones, immediately heal.

She slid slowly down the wall, pressing her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them, burying her nose. A strong, cold wind blew, the first flakes of snow fall.

"I just looked into his eyes and soul, and the thirst is already there. I hate myself..."


— She was so scared!" Like I was trying to kill her! And I didn't do anything! Well... almost ... " he finished softly, blushing at the memory of how close their faces had been at that moment. "Met the bride, they say." It's been a day, " he finished, with a nervous laugh.

"There is nothing to be surprised at in the neighbourhood of the Northern villages," said Polya, frowning. "Whether it's people or not.

— Sorry it's so late, she smiled at Natsu.

— Not terrible. I kept you waiting myself. Natsu, the guy looked at her. — I take it you've seen her before?" His future wife? his gray eyes widened and the image of the blue-haired beauty rose before them once again. "From the look on your face and the look on your face, I did." She's a difficult girl. When I ask her for anything, she leaves the house without saying a word, and usually for a long time. And in free from training facilities and my requests time is closed in his room.

— What do you mean?" Natsu became nervous, sensing something strange in tone and nutshell women, that perishing to speak about frowning and wary brother, which was gloomier clouds with the moment, as he went in house. — You showed her my pictures, didn't you?"

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