"I'll protect you, Natsu Dragneel"

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As soon as Julia went into the house, it immediately ran up and held Kasumi in his arms. Juvia shivered, feeling a new surge of guilt and sadness at her sister's fear and concern for her. You could see it in the trembling of her shoulders and the fingers that clutched the pajama top on her back. It seemed that a little more and the blue-eyed girl would cry on her shoulder.

"How many times do I apologize to you, Kasumi? I think I lost count." -  Juvia thought, looking at her sister sadly.

Blue-hair silently hugged her, stroking her trembling back and loose blue hair, trying to calm her down a little.

- Are you hurt? — finally stepped away from her, Kasumi, taking the sister's face in her hands and turning in different directions. Stepping back a couple of steps, she looked around carefully and sighed with relief. There were no scratches on Juvia's body, or if there were, they were long gone.

Juvia silently shook her head from side to side. When she saw her father standing next to her sister, she swallowed softly, almost pulling her head back into her shoulders. Haru stared at her in silence, and she couldn't tell if her father was mad at her, or if he thought she was guilty, or something like that. Even the presence of baby Tony, hidden in her shoulder-length blue hair, was not reassuring.

— Thank God. -  Kasumi sighed, putting her hand to her chest. "Papa, don't —" she turned to her father, about to put her hand on his shoulder, as he silently walked over to juvia and put his arm around Her.

Loxar's blue eyes took the shape of saucers, looking at Her equally surprised sister in shock. She stood like a soldier in silence, feeling her father's hands holding her and holding her close.

"I can't remember the last time we hugged. My father couldn't talk to me for a long time, not like looking me in the eye after my mother died, but here...»

— I'm glad you're all right." —  he said softly, opening his arms and stepping back a couple of steps, looking into her wide, shock-filled eyes. — We have a very difficult situation right now, which we all need to think carefully about. By the way, where are Naomi and Ao?

- Naomi and Eric. Help others. And Ao stayed at the police station. Juvia looked down sadly at the thought of her brother. — He said he'd be there for a while to think about his behavior and get better."

— Clearly. I'm sure you've been told this before, but I'll say it again. Put all ideas about returning the necklace on your own and alone out of your head. Leave it to me, okay? Haru said sternly, frowning.

"Yes, dad. - The girl nodded, looking down at her feet.

"You'll help the others for now." Tomorrow we will be in touch with Magnolia, and we'll call here a few mages to help rebuild our home. So we will need additional hands. Her father spoke to her in the same serious tone.

— Nicely. - She nodded, looking up at him with an equally serious and determined gaze. — I'll do my best."

— I will also teach you a few other things that will help you in your current difficult situation. All magicians have a well-developed sixth sense and sensorics. This will help you navigate an unfamiliar area, find useful things and learn information not only about your friends, but also strangers. He came over and put his hand on her shoulder. "Go to your room and go to bed." The morning of the evening is more sophisticated. And know that I don't blame you for anything. So don't blame yourself. Good night, Juvia. He smiled at the last words.

— «Wow. I've forgotten how nice it is when your parents praise you or ... say such warm things.»

- Good night, dad. — The girl smiled, and going to the father, stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the cheek as a kid. - Good night, Kasumi.

Going to the warm, smiling sister, I received a kiss on the forehead from her, and then went to my room.


- Good night, Tony. - Juvia said to the little man who had jumped off her shoulder as she got into bed and covered herself with a blanket, then turned off the night light on the nightstand next to the bed.

Running down her arm, he settled on the pillow next to her face. She gently wrapped her fingers around it and pressed it to her cheek like a soft toy, which made her face look like a child's smile.

"Good night, Juvia." — he said softly, closing his eyes as well, and then falling asleep.


The sky above is blue, studded with sparkling stars. Under your feet is a huge, endless glade, strewn with colorful flowers, over which Golden fireflies fly.

The sound of a girl's laughter echoes through the air, and the owner runs around the clearing with her bare feet, lifting the skirts of her long blue dress, behind which a long ribbon flutters. She has a happy smile on her face, stars are reflected in her sapphire eyes, her blue hair is pulled back in a ponytail and the strands that frame her face hang from side to side. In the moonlight, the skin on her face, hands, and bare feet looks white and radiant.

When she sees a pink-haired figure standing at the edge of the clearing, she turns to it with a smile and a laugh, waving her hand in invitation. But suddenly she stops and her eyes widen.

Behind Natsu is a black tunnel. He looks at her in silence, his eyes and face expressionless. He looks at the tunnel, then turns and goes into it and goes on and on. The smile fades from her face, replaced by fear, and the pupils of her blue eyes narrow.

She runs toward the black hole, her hand outstretched in front of her. Natsu almost disappeared in this darkness. Only his crimson hair is visible, glowing in the darkness,and his white scarf is fluttering. A hopeful smile appeared on her lips. She jerks her hand out in front of her and squeezes her fingers. The scarf disappears and her fingers grab the void. Natsu disappeared, and so did the blackness around him. Juvia froze in place, looking at her outstretched hand, fingers clenched, trembling. The blue-haired girl's face and gaze are blank.

She stands in the middle of an empty clearing, silently looking into the distance. The wind stirs the leaves under her bare feet, the hem of her blue dress, the ribbon tied at her waist, and her hair in a ponytail. Overhead, the night sky is dark blue, studded with sparkling stars, with a full silvery moon.


Juvia opened her eyes abruptly and sat up, gasping for air and clutching the blanket with her fingers. Tony was sleeping on a pillow with his tiny hands under his head, so he couldn't see the fear in her wide, narrowed eyes, the cold sweat running down her forehead, the trembling of her body.

"Natsu said he would help me. Will help you take the necklace from Eveleth and return it back to our box. But it's too dangerous. Now in the hands of Ivlet magic of the main four elements and not only. Natsu is strong, but not enough. He can't use all of his power at full capacity yet. It's too dangerous for him. And not only that. The very meeting with eveleth... could be fatal for Him. Natsu is too reckless and careless, and also mortal. I still have a chance to stand up against eveleth in a future battle, but not for Him. I can't change his mind, and I won't, because otherwise he'll start thinking I don't believe in him and get offended. Fool. He's still a kid who doesn't understand a lot. If I want to repay him for all that he has done for me, the only way out is to protect him from danger, even if it means sacrificing my body sometimes. But it's not scary. It's strong and you can't kill it that easily. I'm Sorry, Natsu. One day you will realize that this is for your own good. Yes. I'm much calmer now.»

With a sigh, Juvia dropped her head on the pillow, letting the blue strands of hair scatter over it.

"I will protect you, Natsu Dragneel. I promise.»

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