Getting Put In Place

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Three days. I got three days where I irrationally thought that they'd truly let me go. Let me continue my classes and edge closer to becoming an author. But no, hope is for the weak and I can't believe I let myself have some. I was leaving my novel editing class, the same scenario where I met Jungkook the other day, when I spotted them. Jimin and Jungkook frantically making their way towards me without trying to draw attention to themselves. I ducked my head and tried to walk away, heading the opposite direction as them when somebody pushed me up against the wall.

I gasped and dropped my bag as my eyes met Namjoon's. In an effort to maintain my persona I begin to shake, breathing quickly, forcing a frightened look onto my face. He smirks and leans over to whisper to me. "Are you scared of me baby?" His warm breath sends a bolt of lightning up my spine and I quickly bite my lip. "I'd never cower, let alone to you. I have an act to keep up though." He pulls back to look at my face again, one arm leaned against the wall beside my face, his other hand is secured around the base of the back of my neck.

"I'd believe that if I was foolish. I can tell your heart is beating out of your chest, I just can't decide if it's because you're scared or anticipating something." He says and my eyes widen against my will. I dart my gaze to the side, seeing Jimin and Jungkook whispering to each other near my gathered classmates. I see one girl look over at Jungkook and back in my direction, obviously remembering the events of when he showed up outside the class. I look back into Namjoon's eyes and bite my lip, praying I can calm myself down. The events of last time we spoke flash rapidly in my head, making sure I remember what happened and what we both said.

"Why are you here Namjoon?" I say softly, beginning to move my hands up to push him away. He quickly grabs my hands and the same as the other day, pins them above my head. "Why am I here darling? Good question." He says and leans in, pressing his body against mine, my back digs into the wall and the heat from our bodies sends my head spinning. My anger resurfaces and I begin to take short, quick breathes, the safest outlet to control myself. "Do you remember what I said to you the other day? That I'd earn your respect?" He asks and I move my face close to his. "There's a difference between earning respect and taking it." I hiss and he tightens his grip on my arms above my head, one hand holding my wrists up and the other cupping my cheek.

"That doesn't matter. What matters is that you wanted to test me, you challenged me and I'm not going to stand for it. I'm going to make you scream, to cry out and wish you had kept your mouth shut and followed my orders in the first place." He growls, before lowering his head and pressing a kiss to my collarbone, making me gasp. "One more chance, accept that I'm the leader or else I'm using you however I please until I know you're never going to stand up to me again." He says and I bite my tongue, staring defiantly at him, not letting my gaze waver as he met my eyes.

"My way it is." He says and presses his lips to mine which startles me. He pulls away and smirks, casting a glance at Jungkook and Jimin who seemed to have gotten the other students to leave. "Come on baby, I've got something planned for you." He whispers harshly and puts his arm around my waist, keeping me close. I reach down to grab my bag and sling it over my shoulder, a pissed frown engraved on my face. "Joon what's going on?" Jungkook asks softly as we approach them, his eyes frequently darting to me. "Nothing Kookie, I just need to talk to Jinnie alone. I have to apologize for how I've been treating her." He says in a soft voice and I quickly bite my tongue to stop myself from calling him out. I quickly dart my gaze to the ground, avoiding the daggers Jimin is glaring at the two of us.

"Since when do you apologize? You can't push her around." Jimin says and I quickly look up at him, the response already bubbling on my lips. "It's okay Jimin, we just need to work things out. I will never let anyone push me around." I promise him, meeting his eyes. "Oh, alright. Come on Kookie, let's go. We'll see you back at base right?" He asks over his shoulder and I force a smile, noticing Joon doing the same. "Sure thing Jimin." I purr and wave until they disappear from view. "Idiots." I scoff and Namjoon tightens his hold on me. "At least they have hearts." He says looking down at me and I laugh humourlessly. "Funny thing for you to say." I don't watch where he's leading me until we get there, the door swings open and I take in my dorm room.

"No. Not here." I say softly, setting my bag down and shutting the door. "Too bad, you're in my world now and I'm making the rules." He says, locking the door and slamming me up against it, putting his lips on mine. I don't even bother to fight him, I know when the bar is set too high for my talents. So instead I give in, I let him do whatever he thinks has to be done to make me bow to his orders. Little does he know that I plan on throwing him under the bus and then dancing on his dead body, he's never going to silence me because nothing can break my will to fight. Besides, pain is just borderline pleasure right?

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