Fair Trade

910 56 0

As we're driving away from Busan Taehyung's phone rings and he answers it, putting Jin on speaker. "They have an address but that's all they told me." His voice brings us all a little bit of comfort and we relax slightly. "I'll text the address, we're almost through this stage. Stay strong." He hangs up and we all let out a collective sigh. Taehyung tells Yoongi the address and we adjust our course, heading in the direction of an abandoned school. "I'm going alone." I say softly, taking my comm out of my ear and looking around. "Jinnie-" Hoseok starts and Yoongi cuts him off.

"You can go, just because we don't have time for an argument right now." Suga says as we pull up near the building. Standing there is three figures all dressed in black, one of them obviously being held captive by his defeated stance. "Pass me the bags." I reach out and takes a hold of the three duffles, quickly moving the packages from my bag into a duffle bag and getting out. "Jungkook for the fentanyl." I call loudly, taking my face mask off and they watch me cautiously as I approach and throw the bags at their feet. One of them pulls the bags closer, checks them over and nods to the second one. They shove Jungkook forward and I scramble to reach him, grabbing his arms and steadying him.

"Kookie." I smile affectionately and he quickly shakes his head as I move to hug him. Then I take in the vest he's wearing, it's a bomb. Silently I pull a knife from my pocket and cut the tape on his wrists before removing the gag from over his mouth. I run my fingers gently down the vest, catching them on some wires. I lift the wires and hold my knife near them, my brain running at rapid speed. "When I cut the wire, throw the vest off and run towards the truck. Even if I cut the wrong one there's going to be a delay." I say and he opens his mouth to argue but my knife is slashing through the wire already. I stuff it in my pocket as he tosses the vest away and grab one of the guns from the holster as Jungkook grabs the other.

We run as shots start raining down, sending return fire back at them. The doors of the truck pop open and we jump in as Suga presses his foot on the pedal. I lower the window, lean out and make a shot in the vague direction of the bomb vest. Suddenly it explodes, a tower of dust and fire erupting into the sky and making the ground shake. "Fuck yes!" I swing back into the seat and close the window, thrusting the gun back into the holster. "Holy shit." I hear Hoseok mutter as the three boys in the back stare at the explosion. "Here Jinnie." Jungkook hands my gun back and I flash him a warm smile.

I turn back around in my seat and move my hoodie to put the second gun back. As I do my hand brushes my body and I pale instantly at the warm liquid I come in contact with. "Oh." I sigh under my breath and lift my hand up looking at it in the dark, the glistening blood catching the light from passing street lamps. "What's wrong?" Yoongi looks over at me and I swallow thickly, shoving my hoodie aside to show the bullet hole, in my abdomen in between the fabric of my jeans and my cropped tee, that's oozing blood. "Oh fuck. No, no, no." He slams on the breaks and I shake my head quickly. "Keep going you idiot they could be after us." I say as the other boys look forward anxiously.

"You've been shot Jinnie! I am not letting you die!" He cries out frantically and I wince as the adrenaline runs out. The adrenaline was the only thing numbing the pain and now that's all I can feel. "Oh dear fucking God." I moan and let my hands flutter over my wound, I hang my head low, eyes closed. "Switch now." Hoseok says and everybody reacts instantly. Taehyung comes around and lifts me out of the seat, moving me to the back instead. He takes my seat as Suga hits the gas again and the truck lurches forward.

"Jinnie sit up and take off the jacket." Hoseok says as Jungkook searches around on the floor before finding a small bag and holding it up triumphantly. "I can't." I whine as agony ripples through me. "I don't give a fuck Jinnie. Just do it." He growls and I'm so startled that I do what he asks, muttering 'fuck' the entire time. "Sit up. I need to check if the bullet is still there." I follow his orders out of fear of him yelling at me. His hands are cold on my skin as he runs them along my back in the dark. I yelp and jolt away from him suddenly and he sighs, shaking his head.

"On the bright side the bullet went through and through. Kook get me a towel and iodine." He says and Jungkook riffles through the bag before handing the objects to Hoseok. "Do you know what you're doing?" I ask as he soaks the rag in iodine. "More than you do." He shrugs and sets the bottle down. "Thie is going to hurt. A lot. Please don't reach for a weapon to kill me." He says and presses the rag to my wound and I cry out as he pushes against it. "Hobi please stop." I whimper and Jungkook kisses the top of my head.

"I need to stop the bleeding by putting pressure on it. Can you hold it there for me?" He asks and I nod, and put my hands where his were, pushing down on my wound while gritting my teeth. "Good?" Jungkook asks and I just simply nod, letting my eyes slip shut. "Jinnie don't you dare pass out on me." Hoseok growls in my ear, pressing a second cloth to the exit wound on my back and I wince. "I'm not. I'm not." I whisper as a wave of lightheaded-ness passes over me. "Jinnie? Jinnie!?" I flutter my eyes open one more time before shutting them and passing out.

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