Saviours and Old Wounds

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I never felt more weak than sitting on the floor, my back against the wall in some fancy bedroom as I bled out. My uncle didn't even have the humanity to put me out of my misery, he was going to leave me to die. Slowly and painfully, that's what the guard he had kept saying. "I'm not going to shoot you no matter how you beg. You're going to die and it will be slow and it will be painful and you're going to wish there was anyway to end it faster. But there's not." He chuckled and tosses his gun from hand to hand, pacing in front of the door.

"I never beg." I spit out the words and he laughs, eyeing me casually. "I can't believe a little thing like you caused so much death. You're weak." He growls and I glare at him. "I might be dying but I still can end you right now." I snarl and he turns his back for a moment to check if the door is locked. As he does I reach a hand down and pull a small throwing knife out from the back of my bra. I steady my breathing and flick my wrist, the knife flies through the air and lodges itself in his neck.

He falls to the floor with a thud and I laugh breathlessly. "I wouldn't have tested me." I say and hold both hands over the gunshot wound that's seeping blood. "Oh God." I whine and close my eyes, leaning my head back as my chest heaves for breath. I hear gunshots from the hallway but don't react, my mind to focused on trying to come up with ways to stop the bleeding. There's more gunshots, coming closer each time and I panic, not sure who it is or what they want.

Someone shoots out the lock on the door and kicks it open, stepping in and sweeping their gun over the area. "Jinnie!" Hoseok gasps and holsters his weapon, stepping over the dead man and falling to his knees beside me. "Hey, hey. You're going to be okay." He says as tears roll down my cheeks. "I thought I was going to die. I don't, I really don't want to die Hoseok." I say and he kisses my forehead, his gaze travelling over me.

"I know. I know baby." He soothes and looks around his eyes falling onto the dead body and he gently plucks the gun from his cold grasp. "We're going to get you home. Can you walk?" He asks, pulling his phone out and calling someone. "I've got her. Tell Jin and Tae, meet me outside I want the truck ready to go." He says and I slowly push myself to my feet, staggering and nearly toppling over.

Hoseok quickly steadies me and hands me a gun. "I'm going to need you to do the shooting okay?" He picks me up and I wince, tucking my head into the crook of his neck. "I know you're in pain but I've got to get you out. Can you handle it kitten?" He whispers and I nod, looking up and meeting his eyes. "Good, now be ready." He lightly pecks my lips, taking me by surprise and he quickly exits the room, following a trail of destruction to get out of the building.

I take out only three men near the front of the building and spy the white pickup idling with one of the back doors open. Hoseok ducks in, careful to not injure me anymore and the vehicle instantly takes off. Due to lack of space Hoseok gently lowers me down onto his lap and I drop the gun to the floor, wrapping my arms around his neck and breaking into tears. "It's alright kitten. I've got you." He murmurs and puts his arms around me, kissing the top of my head.

"I'm sorry." I sob and he holds me tighter, shaking his head. "No. Don't be sorry kitten. Everything's going to be alright from now on. We got you back." He gently lifts my head up and wipes away my tears before kissing my cheek, his lips just touching the corner of my own. "You're okay Jinnie." Taehyung murmurs, reaching out and taking one of my hands in his. I smile faintly and squeeze his hand attempting to be reassuring.

I look around the car to find Namjoon and Jin each watching me. Namjoon from the passenger seat and Jin from beside Taehyung. Suga darts a glance at me over his shoulder before speeding up and setting his gaze back on the road. "That was dangerous, you shouldn't have risked yourselves." I say softly and feel tension build. "Really Jinnie? You're going to lecture us?" Jin asks and Taehyung shakes his head, whispering urgently.

"I had to. You were never going to let me go and I was done being your lapdog and following orders." I say, sending a challenging gaze at Jin. "I told you countless times that I was not letting one life have more value than another. We had to come back for you before you died." Jin fires back and I wince, setting a hand atop my wound and watch his gaze soften. "Hang in there kitten. I know it hurts but I need you to fight okay?" Hoseok murmurs and I tuck my head into the crook of his neck, exhaling softly.

"I just want it to stop." I whisper and he sighs, brushing a hand against my cheek. "You're going to be okay." He says and I close my eyes, leaning closer to his warmth. "No, no, no. Don't close your eyes." He shakes me slightly and I press the back of my hand against my forehead. "Hobi everything's spinning. I don't like it." I whimper and he sighs, letting me rest my head against his chest.

"Okay, that's okay." I hear the panic slip into his tone and blink up at him. "I'm going to die, aren't I?" I ask and all the boys gasp, Suga accidentally hitting the horn as he tries to turn. "No. I'm not letting that happen Jinnie." Hoseok says sharply and I smile, closing my eyes as tears fall down my cheeks. "It's okay, I'll be alright. Just please don't let go." I say softly and let my conciousness slip into the black.

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